Anyone been up Spanish fork peak lately?

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Anyone been up Spanish fork peak lately?

by 19steve69 » Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:10 pm

Got me a free trip to Utah for buisness and I'm hoping to have an extra free day to climb up Spanish fork peak. Is this something that can be done easily in one day and is there anything I need to know about it this time of year? Ill be staying about 30 miles from the trail head. Any info would be appreciated.

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Re: Anyone been up Spanish fork peak lately?

by ridgeguy » Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:23 am

Easy day trip up this time of year. Just go early morning to avoid heat and thunderstorms. I was at the trailhead a few weeks back but haven't been up in several years. Trip report at:

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Re: Anyone been up Spanish fork peak lately?

by 19steve69 » Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:49 am

Thanks for the reply. Just checked the weather and so far its going to be nice and sunny the weekend I'm going to be there. That could change but at least thats good news so far. Ill actually be in Spanish Fork for 3 days to do a job so going to bust ass and try and get it done in 2 so Ill have the last day to my self. If I can pull it off Ill be heading to the campsite the 2nd night to crash out in the rental car somewhere next to the trail head and wake up as early as possible to make my attempt on the summit. Then head back down, drive to the hotel and fly back to TX. If it all goes as planed Ill put up a report of the trip.

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