So I'm interested in climbing Orizaba, Izta, Malinche and doing some cragging in El Potrero as well as checking out the ruins near Mexico City. The thing is I cannot afford tickets to fly. I know if can find people to share a ride with it will be much more affordable but I'm worried about driving and parking in parts of Mexico (especially Mexico City). I've traveled to Mexico a bit (Acapulco in college and Mazatlan a couple weeks ago). I speak a little Spanish and have lived in cities in the US so I have some street smarts and familiarity with how things are in the resort towns in Mexico.
Here's my concerns, I think the drive down would be fine, albeit long. I'm worried that my car will attract attention (the new car being part of why I cannot afford plane tickets). I'm a bit worried about getting off main roads accidentally without phone service or good maps. I'm worried my mediocre Spanish skills will be a hindrance in places where there are few or no English speakers.
Anybody done a drive like this? How did it go? Am I asking to get car jacked or get my car stolen parking around Mexico City? What about other cities (Amecameca, Tlachichucha, etc.)? Does this sound like a straight up bad idea?
Anyone interested in joining me? Would be sometime in January for about 3 weeks.