Just got back from climbing Picacho del Diablo. What a spectacular peak! I'll write a trip report later, but for now a few pieces of info:
The road to the park is paved all the way up. The road to the Llanitos shack requires 4X4.
Our hike time in from the Llanitos shack to Campo Noche was 7 hours.
On climb day we made the summit in 4 hours 25 minutes. Descent time back to camp was 3 hours 35 minutes.
Hike out from Campo Noche to the Llanitos shack was just over 6 hours.
The ring-tail cat rumored to exist at Campo Noche does exist.
I haven't even looked at my photos yet, but I'll post a few in the coming days.
This was one of the most demanding mountains I have climbed in terms of physical output. The climb itself is not overly technical (mostly class 2 and 3), but the terrain is extreemly rugged. A very worthy summit and an awesome view from the top of Baja.