Regional discussion and conditions reports for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Please post partners requests and trip plans in the Mexico Climbing Partners section.
I am looking to climb Pico de Orizaba and one or two of Mexico's other volcanoes during December/January. If anyone is interested in joining me please let me know- I have some experience with glacier/alpine climbing (Cotopaxi/various other volcanoes) but would like someone with more experience to join me. I would rather not go with a guide so I'm hoping to find a partner/group to go with. If you are interested just send me a PM!
So I found a couple of people from SP to go to Mexico with Dec. 26th-Jan 3rd. We are planning on do some acclimatizing (la malinche etc.) and Orizaba, so if anyone is up for joining us they are welcome!
We're putting a group together to go around Jan 3-8. Two are committed. Two others are still waiting for final details to see if it will work. Send me a PM for more information and team experience.