Hi, I'm an educator and new climber who's getting increasingly interested in outdoor education. I was looking for mountaineering guide schools and found the Patagonia Mountain Guide School http://www.mountaineeringtrainingschool.com/mountainguideschool.html. On its website it sounds great, stressing both technical skills and group leadership through lots of training and hands on experience with established guiding services. Graduates receive Wilderness Education Association Mountaineering Instructor Guide certification. Unfortunately I can't find any information about the school and very little about WEA certification. Does anyone know anything about the school or the certification? It's 2 years and $25,000 so this is no small undertaking, but if it's a good school and WEA certification is respected than it sounds like a great deal. I can't find any schools offering comparable programs including NOLS and the American Alpine Institute.
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.