The High Tatras in February

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The High Tatras in February

by Rapparee » Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:19 am

Hello everyone. I've a holiday in February and I have been doing some research on the High Tatras, mostly from this website and what people have told me. You people are the wise ones, teach me!

My experience:

I'm a good scrambler and hiker, done a bit of lead climbing as well (nothing more than VS). I've been climbing since 2009 when I went to university but never intensively. I've been to Scotland on three occasions for winter climbing so I'm quite confident with crampons and axes. I've also spent a total of 4 weeks climbing in the Alps over the years (mostly Chamonix). The only winter time I've done in the Alps has been in Bavaria where I climbed the Watzmann.

My reason:

I live and work in Poland now and my area in Racibórz is quite flat and uninteresting. I really want to get out to the mountains more. So far all I've managed is a weekend in Karlova Studánka but in February is my first big block of holidays and I don't want to just go sightseeing and being a tourist. I don't own a car and living in a secluded location means my weekends generally don't afford me the time of travelling further afield for climbing. And living in Poland, I have to see the Tatras sooner rather than later!

My Plan:

I'm going to Kraków on the 3rd February to meet with a friend. On the 4th we travel to Zakopane, enjoy the ambience in the town, rent any kit we're missing (crampons/axes etc) and do a weather check. The 5th, we're going to head to Morskie Oko and explore around there, spending the night. Early on the 6th we want to summit Rysy (we really want to climb this) and Niznie Rysy just to the north of it. After that, we don't have a plan really. He has a few more days free, I have nearly a full extra week

I was hoping for more ideas, especially since I am not sure where is forbidden in the park and where it is ok to climb, I really just want to get out and be hiking/scrambling for a few days. If there was a nice Alpine style route like Cosmiques Arete or something, that would also be amazing!

I know Zakopane is a popular winter resort so we are hoping by going climbing, we avoid the crowds. If all else fails, I'll probably return the axes and go learn how to ski :( I know Zakopane is expensive but I will be on holiday :mrgreen:

1. How accessible are the peaks on the Polish side? Is there a lot of red tape? We don't want to hire a guide as we aren't trying anything extremely technical, only routes we are capable of. I'm not a member of a club either, should I join one before I go?

2. Are the locals competent speaking English/German? Ja ucze Polskiego teraz ale nie jestem biegla! I have also been told that the Gorals are hard to understand. Sorry if this sounds silly, I just don't want to make mistakes or make myself look like too much of an idiot!

3. I've been on the TOPR page, is their avalanche forecast reliable? I intend to check it daily when I'm there!

4. Is there anything that is a must do in the area? I've never been there so basically I'll welcome all and any advice!


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Re: The High Tatras in February

by Stefan » Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:38 am

1. Rysy is closed over the winter and you can (and probably will) get a fine for this if you go over Morskie Oko like you seem to plan

2. No need to speak English or German, just use your hands and be stubborn and keep trying to explain, the more you pressure the better the help will be

3. If you wanne go up that side you will probably be loaded with avalanches as that part is just perfect

4. Loads of interesting things

5. My advice, do another region than tatras and keep it for winter. Gorce, Beskidy, ... Close to you do Sniezka and Sczcyrk for instance

6. I am a Belgian living in Lodz and plan my own Tatra trip (though seeing your experience it will be a bit too much I fear :-D )

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Re: The High Tatras in February

by Rapparee » Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:41 pm

1. Are you sure? I was told the Slovak side is closed but it's alright to go via the Polish route. I'll make sure to check this in Zakopane before I do anything else, thanks man!

2. Haha my standard modus operandi for Poland, I'l make sure to have my dictionary.

3. Avalanches are par de course alright. I'll be more than careful, was too close to one in the Alps for comfort.

4. That was vague!

Hmm, looks like I'll be going skiing then. Cheers for the info lad. I hope your trip is successful (don't worry, I'm a very casual climber anyways, no offense taken!).

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