"After the first glass, you see things as you wish they were. After the second, you see things as they are not. Finally, you see things as they really are, which is the most horrible thing in the world."
--Oscar Wilde on Absinthe
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Joerg Marretsch - Apr 18, 2005 5:50 pm
Route Climbed: Normal Route from Gnifetti Hut Date Climbed: 16 Aug 2004Early morning, beautiful day. The first of 6 x 4000m summits at this day.
clubalpinistico900 - Jul 17, 2004 11:17 am
Route Climbed: Normal Date Climbed: 4th July 2004Nice one-day climbing from the normal route in a sunny day. We ( Valerio, Paolo, Luigi) reached Punta Indren by cable-car than in 40min we arrived to the top of the short rocky route to the Rifugio Gnifetti. Once connected together we follow the clear path in direction of the Colle Gnifetti. Before to reach the pass we decided to turn right and up and with a more direct way the summit was reached. From Punta Indren 2:30 min.
Nice view from the top.
It was the celybate-celebration for Paolo that married Anita one week later. Congratulation
marco979 - Jul 12, 2004 6:01 pm
Route Climbed: Normal Route Date Climbed: 11-07-2004With my friend Majo and Sergio in 4 hours from Punta Indren. Nice day but a storm on the peak.
buxlex - Jul 11, 2004 7:48 pm
Route Climbed: North face Date Climbed: 3rd July, 2004This time with skis! Great descent on hard snow. Incredible strong wind in a ultra clear and sharp day.
andrea.it - May 11, 2004 11:31 am
Route Climbed: vincent-giordani traverse. Date Climbed: august 1997Two in one.very nice
sokolxxx - Apr 25, 2004 7:48 am
Route Climbed: Normal Date Climbed: 29 Juli 2003Many Craverses
dieguz2002 - Feb 16, 2004 1:54 am
Route Climbed: Normal Route Date Climbed: july 1988Nice and easy summit.
fabrizior - Oct 1, 2003 4:51 pm
Route Climbed: Normal from Rifugio Gnifetti Date Climbed: 9 July 1968Ski-mountaineering route uop to the summit in very bad weather conditions.
Velebit - Aug 16, 2003 8:50 am
Route Climbed: from Rif. Gnifetti Date Climbed: August 13th 2003It was beautiful afternoon climb after reaching Rif. Gnifetti. Sunny weather with cumulus clouds for decoration. On the Lys glacier there are many exposed crevasses due to the lack of snow. Some are over 30m deep and we walked over narrow snowy bridges to cross them, very exciting stuff. But since weather was warm and bridges soft we had to secure each other on some of the more exposed crosses. Just two days after Piz Bernina I had very tired legs so summit pyramid wasn't very enjoyable. View from the summit was fantastic as I watched Mont Blanc in the distance, on the same date we climbed it last year. Both on the way up and down we witnessed some amazing rock falls, especially on Lyskamm! Also while we were standing on the summit there was thundering rock fall down the south face of Parrot Spitze. Imagine tons of rock falling down the 800m high face.
mpa - Jul 29, 2003 4:13 am Date Climbed: Aug 14, 2002
Normal routesee Martin74 below...
Lud - Jun 13, 2003 6:24 am
Route Climbed: normal Date Climbed: 1999 AugustWe started from the highest parking lot of Gressoney valley with heavy backpacks. Camped approx. at 2700m. Next day we had a bad weather so decided to stay at Mantova hut. On the third day we estabilished a camp next the rock above Gnifetti hut, and climbed Vincent. Due to the lack of training, and the altitude I sufferded from AMS, so finally this summit was the only achivement of our plans to climb some 4000s in the area.
buxlex - Oct 27, 2002 6:51 am
Route Climbed: N face (normal) Date Climbed: 1 August 200111° at 12:30 on the top. Too hot!
Great weather and great hike.
Richard Purchon - Sep 6, 2002 2:07 pm
Route Climbed: from Ref Manatova and back Date Climbed: 24th August 2002the weather wasnt very good we made the summit in a white-out. and returned to the Manatova Hut. we spent the next 2 days sitting around waiting for the weather to clear. the hut warden informed us that it would clear on the wednesday for one day. we returned to Alagna. the other Peaks will wait. i'll be back in 2004, i'll hope for good weather then.
FredO - Aug 23, 2002 2:27 pm
Route Climbed: Normalroute from Rifugio Quitino-Sella. Date Climbed: July 11, 2002From Rifugio Quintino-Sella we traverse the Ghiacciaio del Felik in north eastern direction, keeping the rockwall just below the Felikjoch at our left. We then arrive at the Ghiacciaio del Lis, where we climb just far enough until we can continue on the big plateau to the east. At the base of the Naso del Liskamm then, we start to climb, staying on the right side where it is less steep, until we reach the summit.
We descend again to the glacierplateau (4000 m) and walk to the Colle Vincent (4087 m). It's up and down the mountain, part of it doggy style, and particularly on the way down I've got to watch out for Jeroen's enthusiastically flying feet (with crampons) not hitting my skull...
Chamonix Man - Aug 10, 2002 8:21 am
Route Climbed: Normal route Date Climbed: August 200Little more than a snow plod but worth it for the great views. Walked up from the Gnifetti Hut which was quite comfortable. We chose to climb in this area because of poor weather in Chamonix. Took a great picture of Lyskam from the top.
Gertiño - Jul 21, 2002 10:17 am
Route Climbed: Normal Route Date Climbed: 8 July 2002We reached the summit around 10.30 AM in rather bad weather conditions. View was reduced to the minimum (visibility of max. 25 m).
Before we had passed over Nase de Lyskam.
We went on to the rifugio Gnifetti where we were forced to stay for 2 days due to snow and mist.