technicolorNH - Oct 8, 2020 6:11 pm Date Climbed: Oct 8, 2020
car theft area
Nice hike that took me 57 minutes via the north side approach. Good scrambling. Good bouldering. But my car got broken into in the middle of the day with a residential neighborhood right there, nor did any of the numerous hikers call the police before I returned to my car. After ten minutes on the phone with 911 I can see why no one bothers with the police here. It will snow in hell before I climb anything else in this sh***y city.
Zachary Andrew - Aug 20, 2013 3:16 pm Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2013
The Best
Easily my favorite hike in all the Sandias. I've done this several times. In the summer, winter, in the middle of snowstorms and white-out conditions, at night... you name it! It never gets old. Great views, short, easy, and plenty of opportunities for scrambling. For a particularly fun time scramble up the waterfall and hike up the arroyo (instead of following the trail) until it ends at an awesome and steep bushwhack to the top!
Summited via the waterfall trail, and descended the Eye of the Sandia Trail. I enjoyed the scramble at the summit, and the views were great. The only downside was that I did this in the afternoon, and it was too hot! Next time I will wait for a moderately warm winter day.
Sarah Simon - Nov 28, 2008 5:38 pm Date Climbed: Nov 28, 2008
Eye of the Sandias Trail
We followed davebobk47's Eye of the Sandias Trail route description right on up to the summit of this cool little urban mountain. We enjoyed the short-but-sweet summit scramble and the wide-open summit views from the bouldery top. On the downside, the husband went to take a photo and the camera battery flew out of the bottom of the camera and was never seen again. (As a result, we have no summit photos.) Great views, even on this cold cloudy day. The views definitely inspired us to return to Albuquerque for another weekend of hiking - there are so many summits to choose from! Hiking partner: Husband. Dogs: Lady, Bing & Lela.
technicolorNH - Oct 8, 2020 6:11 pm Date Climbed: Oct 8, 2020
car theft areaNice hike that took me 57 minutes via the north side approach. Good scrambling. Good bouldering. But my car got broken into in the middle of the day with a residential neighborhood right there, nor did any of the numerous hikers call the police before I returned to my car. After ten minutes on the phone with 911 I can see why no one bothers with the police here. It will snow in hell before I climb anything else in this sh***y city.
Zachary Andrew - Aug 20, 2013 3:16 pm Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2013
The BestEasily my favorite hike in all the Sandias. I've done this several times. In the summer, winter, in the middle of snowstorms and white-out conditions, at night... you name it! It never gets old. Great views, short, easy, and plenty of opportunities for scrambling. For a particularly fun time scramble up the waterfall and hike up the arroyo (instead of following the trail) until it ends at an awesome and steep bushwhack to the top!
hans.schenk - Sep 11, 2009 5:39 pm Date Climbed: Sep 11, 2009
Round Trip FunSummited via the waterfall trail, and descended the Eye of the Sandia Trail. I enjoyed the scramble at the summit, and the views were great. The only downside was that I did this in the afternoon, and it was too hot! Next time I will wait for a moderately warm winter day.
Sarah Simon - Nov 28, 2008 5:38 pm Date Climbed: Nov 28, 2008
Eye of the Sandias TrailWe followed davebobk47's Eye of the Sandias Trail route description right on up to the summit of this cool little urban mountain. We enjoyed the short-but-sweet summit scramble and the wide-open summit views from the bouldery top. On the downside, the husband went to take a photo and the camera battery flew out of the bottom of the camera and was never seen again. (As a result, we have no summit photos.) Great views, even on this cold cloudy day. The views definitely inspired us to return to Albuquerque for another weekend of hiking - there are so many summits to choose from! Hiking partner: Husband. Dogs: Lady, Bing & Lela.
davebobk47 - Jun 25, 2008 12:23 am
Both trailsSummited via both waterfall trail and Eye of the Sandia trail.. Fun scramble.