A casual stroll through the woods to the ridge top. The return leg of the loop has some pretty great views. Celebrated by stopping at a Waffle House for the first time ever
technicolorNH - Aug 27, 2014 7:00 am Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2014
Fast bounce
Quick jaunt up the slope from the overlook which has the high point of the BRP. Easier from the actual trail which is how I descended.
Dundeel - May 4, 2014 7:41 pm Date Climbed: May 2, 2014
Blue Ridge PW pullout
A couple of trees down on the trail. One was rotted and I cleared it away but the other will have to wait for someone with a saw.
kavak - Sep 11, 2009 10:40 am Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2009
From Blue Ridge Parkway
I was a little bit tired after my hike up Mt Guyot the day before, so this was a welcome relief as far as distance goes. My wife and I found a bucketfull of blackberries while enroute. We were the only ones on the summit and only saw one other couple while on the trail. Surprising!
friday - Aug 10, 2009 1:42 am Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2009
Fun loop to summit
Found the trailhead after searching near the high point of the BRP. The trail was a bit rugged, a bit steep at times and full of roots, but not too challenging. I met a couple in their late 60's who were hiking up for their third time and they were quite an inspiration to me for when I reach their age. I hope to be in half the shape they are when I turn 65.
tioga - May 19, 2009 8:44 am Date Climbed: May 16, 2009
Haywood-Jackson Overlook
After climbing Reinhart Knob, I followed the parkway to the Haywood-Jackson Overlook and took the loop trail around the top and back down.
Tbacon251 - Sep 1, 2008 6:40 am Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2008
Found it!
made the trip up after stopping at the BRP highpoint. Would not have found it if not for summitpost! Not bad of a hike/climb. Bugs were kind of bad and it was a little hot.
weeds19 - Sep 27, 2007 12:20 am Date Climbed: May 27, 2003
Quick stop while driving through
We were collecting state highpoints and this peak was on the way when we needed a break.
surgent - Sep 25, 2007 10:17 am Date Climbed: May 20, 2000
Blue Ridge Pkwy hiking tour
The last of about 4-5 hikes I did in one day along the BRP. Mainly did it late in the day, very tired, scratched up from a previous hike. Conditions were pretty good, compared to what others have reported. I hate to say, but I was there for the credit only... I just tagged the sign and turned right around.
A little rain here and there made for slippery conditions on the rocks. The temperature wasn't bad and the hike was short. It was enjoyable and an easy 6'er for the bag.
WoundedKnee - Aug 16, 2006 2:15 pm Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2006
GAHikerGirl - Jun 15, 2006 1:32 am Date Climbed: Jun 6, 2006
Nice Easy Hike
Nice easy hike. No much in the way of views, but it's a wonderful, cool forest setting. From the parking area, you can view the entire ridge line from Black Balsam to Cold Mountain, including Shining Rock.
mlandau3 - Jun 5, 2006 12:13 pm Date Climbed: Jun 3, 2006
CMC Hike 98
Following the chute and deer trail from the parkway over Reinhart Knob down to the MST, we averaged 1/2 mph (and it was mostly downhill). And that was a lot easier than plowing throught the cane on Reinhart's NE ridge. We followed the MST to the Natureland Conservancy area and then headed up to the parkway and Richland Balsam. There's a great view of the western Balsams from the parking lot where the tourist trail begins.
Route Climbed: Richland Balsam Nature Trail Date Climbed: August 28, 2004
This summit doesn't provide many views, but it does provide an eye-opening experience. While there are many dead fir trees around, this trail, at times, walks through tunnels of moist, mossy, (and very much alive) spruce that can get downright dark and cool on a sunny day. It makes you wonder how spectacular these mountain forests could be if they were all healthy.
Brian Kalet - Jan 15, 2018 7:38 pm Date Climbed: Nov 6, 2016
5 PeaksWith Mount Pisgah, Little Bald Mountain, Stony Bald & Grassy Knob.
joseyinnet - Apr 22, 2016 10:33 pm Date Climbed: Apr 19, 2016
Early morning strollA casual stroll through the woods to the ridge top. The return leg of the loop has some pretty great views. Celebrated by stopping at a Waffle House for the first time ever
technicolorNH - Aug 27, 2014 7:00 am Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2014
Fast bounceQuick jaunt up the slope from the overlook which has the high point of the BRP. Easier from the actual trail which is how I descended.
Dundeel - May 4, 2014 7:41 pm Date Climbed: May 2, 2014
Blue Ridge PW pulloutA couple of trees down on the trail. One was rotted and I cleared it away but the other will have to wait for someone with a saw.
kavak - Sep 11, 2009 10:40 am Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2009
From Blue Ridge ParkwayI was a little bit tired after my hike up Mt Guyot the day before, so this was a welcome relief as far as distance goes. My wife and I found a bucketfull of blackberries while enroute. We were the only ones on the summit and only saw one other couple while on the trail. Surprising!
friday - Aug 10, 2009 1:42 am Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2009
Fun loop to summitFound the trailhead after searching near the high point of the BRP. The trail was a bit rugged, a bit steep at times and full of roots, but not too challenging. I met a couple in their late 60's who were hiking up for their third time and they were quite an inspiration to me for when I reach their age. I hope to be in half the shape they are when I turn 65.
tioga - May 19, 2009 8:44 am Date Climbed: May 16, 2009
Haywood-Jackson OverlookAfter climbing Reinhart Knob, I followed the parkway to the Haywood-Jackson Overlook and took the loop trail around the top and back down.
Tbacon251 - Sep 1, 2008 6:40 am Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2008
Found it!made the trip up after stopping at the BRP highpoint. Would not have found it if not for summitpost! Not bad of a hike/climb. Bugs were kind of bad and it was a little hot.
weeds19 - Sep 27, 2007 12:20 am Date Climbed: May 27, 2003
Quick stop while driving throughWe were collecting state highpoints and this peak was on the way when we needed a break.
surgent - Sep 25, 2007 10:17 am Date Climbed: May 20, 2000
Blue Ridge Pkwy hiking tourThe last of about 4-5 hikes I did in one day along the BRP. Mainly did it late in the day, very tired, scratched up from a previous hike. Conditions were pretty good, compared to what others have reported. I hate to say, but I was there for the credit only... I just tagged the sign and turned right around.
slick858 - Sep 9, 2007 7:15 pm Date Climbed: Sep 9, 2007
High Speed Drive and HikeMy best friend Gareth and I hiked this VIEWLESS, bee infested, stinky, 6,000 foot hill. Less than 30 min round trip.
gwave47 - Apr 29, 2007 10:41 pm Date Climbed: Apr 28, 2007
Route Climbed: Richand Balsam Nature TrailA little rain here and there made for slippery conditions on the rocks. The temperature wasn't bad and the hike was short. It was enjoyable and an easy 6'er for the bag.
WoundedKnee - Aug 16, 2006 2:15 pm Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2006
Nature TrailOK. Jackson county high point.
royswkr - Jul 26, 2006 11:34 pm Date Climbed: Apr 30, 2005
Finally got it on 3rd tryAnd what a disappointment
GAHikerGirl - Jun 15, 2006 1:32 am Date Climbed: Jun 6, 2006
Nice Easy HikeNice easy hike. No much in the way of views, but it's a wonderful, cool forest setting. From the parking area, you can view the entire ridge line from Black Balsam to Cold Mountain, including Shining Rock.
mlandau3 - Jun 5, 2006 12:13 pm Date Climbed: Jun 3, 2006
CMC Hike 98Following the chute and deer trail from the parkway over Reinhart Knob down to the MST, we averaged 1/2 mph (and it was mostly downhill). And that was a lot easier than plowing throught the cane on Reinhart's NE ridge. We followed the MST to the Natureland Conservancy area and then headed up to the parkway and Richland Balsam. There's a great view of the western Balsams from the parking lot where the tourist trail begins.
dwhike - Apr 28, 2006 1:40 pm
Richland Balsam LoopI've been up to Richland Balsam a number of times. A great time to go is in the fall when the blueberry's are ripe. Great for the family!
Cortez - Mar 2, 2006 9:44 pm Date Climbed: Oct 29, 2005
Richland Balsam Nature TralEasy hike with some decent views from the summit.
SteveinFXBG - Jun 19, 2005 10:59 pm
Route Climbed: Richland Balsam Nature Trail Date Climbed: August 28, 2004This summit doesn't provide many views, but it does provide an eye-opening experience. While there are many dead fir trees around, this trail, at times, walks through tunnels of moist, mossy, (and very much alive) spruce that can get downright dark and cool on a sunny day. It makes you wonder how spectacular these mountain forests could be if they were all healthy.