One of the easier routes to the summit of Flattop, this climb is not really a lieback and it's really not a flake either. It's sort of a narrow blocky climb that eases after the initial couple moves from the ground, then has a loose finish up a groove to the top. Of course you get great views of Smith from the top.
Getting There
See the main page for Radek's directions. Flattop is the 6th formation from the bottom of Staender Ridge. Hike between Bette's Needles and Flattop and turn right to get to the northwest side of Flattop. There are 3 flake-like formations on this side, Lieback Flake is the southernmost one (or the one furthest to the right with flat rock to its right side). It is the first crack/flake to the left of a short 5.7 sport route with two bolts showing.
Route Description
Climb the blocky flake hanging out from the face until you can step up on blocks in the flake. Beware of loose large rocks in this groove/flake. Follow this crack/flake about 20-25 feet to a ledge. From here, continue up the left groove with two cracks. This is loose stuff so pull down, not out on the small holds. This second groove is about 10 feet long and when you top out, turn right to see the anchors. Rappel the route.
See photoEssential Gear
Gear to 2 inches.
Photos to be added soon by Karl Helser.