Scramble to the roof of Slovakia...

Scramble to the roof of Slovakia...

Page Type Page Type: Album
Additional Information Image Type(s): Hiking

Here I present some shoots from my hike to Kriváň summit. Pending 1793 Kriváň was regarded as the highest peak in Tatras. Since 1935  it's a national mountain of Slovaks.  The view from that summit is extensive and its relative height above Kôprová dolina totals 1300 meters which is the biggest relative height in all Tatras.

Here you got some photos from that day when I spent on the summit over two hours impressed by the view and fantastic weather. 

8th July 2016




Strbske pleso
Strbske pleso
Slovakian highlands
Slovakian highlands as seen from the trail
Krivan summit
Krivan summit
Me on Krivan summit
Me on Krivan summit
Panorama view from Krivan summit
Panorama view from Krivan summit


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