Hike down along the dome from the parking lot. The Tree route is one of the first routes you'll encounter. Look for the big pine tree about 40' off the ground, growing out of a crack, you can't miss it.
Route Description
Pitch 1- Climb up the left leaning crack, passing the big tree. I pass it on the right, that way it acts as a natural point of protection, and the rope runs better as well. After passing the tree continue up the crack about 10-15' then traverse to the right, across an easy faceclimbing section up to the small tree and belay there. (5.5)
Pitch 2- Climb the beautiful finger crack, when you reach a wide slot, belay there. (5.6)
Pitch 3- Continue up the crack, it turns into a shallow right facing corner, climb to the top of the corner to the bolted belay and a nice little ledge. (5.5)
Pitch 4- Go straight up the face above the belay clipping one bolt then passing a small overhang and continue up to easy ground. Multiple belay choices with cams and nuts (5.6).
Walk to the top.
Here's a Trip report I found on the web..
Favorite route
Essential Gear
Cams .5" to 4"
Set of nuts
50 meter rope.
Miscellaneous Info
If you have information about this route that doesn't pertain to any of the other sections, please add it here.