am89 - Aug 16, 2006 9:51 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2006
Route climbed: Normal from Refugio Mantova
We started in bad weather at 7am reached Margherita after 4.5 hours of climbing. Perfect weather up top and only group (3 of us) to summit that day. We descended into bad weather and saw everyone else turn back. Not very challenging although there were nice views of the Monte Rosa range.
Route Climbed: Route from rifugio Quintino Sella Date Climbed: 26.08.2005
I started early in the morning from rifugio Quintino Sella and then I climbed the Lyskamm's Nose. The route is not difficult but are necessary almost 7 hours of walking.
Route Climbed: normal route from italy Date Climbed: 6-may-2005
Arrival in the dark at 22.30! I could not suggest this to anyone. We were not aware (because of the darkness)that the last part was rather steep and icy, otherwise we would have placed an ice screw (like we did the way down). Beautifaul place.
Route Climbed: several Date Climbed: 2000 - 2003- 2005
August 11th 2000 – normal route from Gnifetti hut.
The highlight of a one-week-trip was staying a night at Capanna Margherita. We descended the next day via Grenzgletscher to Gornergrat
July 30th 2003 – from Gnifetti hut
End point of a summit collection of Punta Giordani, Piramide Vincent, Balmenhorn, Corno Nero and Ludwigshoehe. Next day was bad weather so we had a pleasant rest day on Europe's highes hut. Unbelievable mountain views as clouds opened again late in the afternoon.
May 6th 2005 - ski route from Monte Rosa hut
Hard trip in mostly bad weather. Long, cold, stormy, but a great landscape on the wild Grenzgletscher glacier, and fine powder snow. We were happy about the shelter of the winter room of Capanna Margherita.
Route Climbed: Traverse Lyskamm-Signalkuppe Date Climbed: August 29, 2004
A long day starting in the Quintino Sella hut at 6AM and ending atop the Marguerita Hut in the summit of Signalkuppe at 3PM. Took us 2 hours from Sella hut to Felikjoch and then an addtional 3 hours to complete the whole Lyskamm traverse up to the Lisjoch. From there, 1 hour to the summit of Ludwighohe, another hour to the summit of Parrotspitze and additional 1.5 hour to the top of Signalkuppe. Then a good night sleep at 4560 meters in the Marguerita hut ;).
Route Climbed: Normal Route from Ref. Mantova Date Climbed: July 29, 2003
Reached the summit with a group of seven people. Unfortunately, couldn't stay overnight as one of the group members got altitude sick despite a preparation time of 12 days. Simple ascent, but don't underestimate the altitude.
Route Climbed: Cresta Signal Date Climbed: 4 June 2004
2200 meters the first day to reach the Resegotti bivy (5 hours) , almost 1000 the second day for the summit (8.5 hours). Exellent conditions with a lot of snow which helps to keep together the rocks. Engaging route BTW
Route Climbed: Punta Indren, Capanna Gnifetti, Lysjoch, Signalkuppe with skis Date Climbed: March 1988
We reached Signalkuppe from Capanna Gnifetti after a hard day, all the way up with fresh snow was an exhausting uphill tracksetting but on the other hand we were absolutely alone in Monte Rosa, no tracks anywhere, nobody in Capanna Margherita. When I see this too much frequented summer routes I remember how alone we where those winter days in 1988. We had been blocked in Capanna Gnifetti for 2 days due to heavy snow fall, also we were alone there, in the winter part of the refuge, then at the third day, it looked like the sun will rise over the absolutely white mountains, so we decided to go up very early in the morning, the snow was deep and tracksetting was really exhausting, we had planned to climb Zumstein, but some of the team were tired after arriving at Signalkuppe, so we decided to go down to Gressoney, what a good ski descent!. When we reached the car, there was more than one meter of fresh snow over it.
am89 - Aug 16, 2006 9:51 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2006
Route climbed: Normal from Refugio MantovaWe started in bad weather at 7am reached Margherita after 4.5 hours of climbing. Perfect weather up top and only group (3 of us) to summit that day. We descended into bad weather and saw everyone else turn back. Not very challenging although there were nice views of the Monte Rosa range.
David_Holland - Jul 15, 2006 2:43 pm Date Climbed: Jul 8, 2006
climb and sleepClimb it from Rif. Gniffeti and stay in the Cap. Margherita.
albertofanga - Nov 6, 2005 12:58 pm
Route Climbed: normal route from Gnifetti hut Date Climbed: July 12, 2001Good climbing to the peak. The day was perfectly sunny but the wind was terrible. It was good to be at the Capanna Margherita!
Corvus - Sep 5, 2005 6:36 pm
Route Climbed: Route from rifugio Quintino Sella Date Climbed: 26.08.2005I started early in the morning from rifugio Quintino Sella and then I climbed the Lyskamm's Nose. The route is not difficult but are necessary almost 7 hours of walking.
brade - Aug 8, 2005 1:41 pm
Route Climbed: Normal from Monte Rosa Htt. Date Climbed: 28 July 2005Solo trough Grenzgletscher to the summit by normal route with back pack full of food and bivack equipement. I did 4 more 4000m summits on that day.
Samuli Mansikka - Jul 18, 2005 6:28 am
Route Climbed: Normal route from Balmenhorn Date Climbed: June 23th 2005Started early in the morning from the Balmenhorn Bivouac and made it to the top by the sunrise.
erik_ravenstijn - May 20, 2005 10:55 am
Route Climbed: normal route from italy Date Climbed: 6-may-2005Arrival in the dark at 22.30! I could not suggest this to anyone. We were not aware (because of the darkness)that the last part was rather steep and icy, otherwise we would have placed an ice screw (like we did the way down). Beautifaul place.
Claude Mauguier - May 15, 2005 1:21 pm
Route Climbed: normal Date Climbed: aug 1990Coming from Zumsteinspitze...nice to get atop a mountain where you may have a drink (expensive)...!
Mathias Zehring - May 8, 2005 5:03 am
Route Climbed: several Date Climbed: 2000 - 2003- 2005August 11th 2000 – normal route from Gnifetti hut.
The highlight of a one-week-trip was staying a night at Capanna Margherita. We descended the next day via Grenzgletscher to Gornergrat
July 30th 2003 – from Gnifetti hut
End point of a summit collection of Punta Giordani, Piramide Vincent, Balmenhorn, Corno Nero and Ludwigshoehe. Next day was bad weather so we had a pleasant rest day on Europe's highes hut. Unbelievable mountain views as clouds opened again late in the afternoon.
May 6th 2005 - ski route from Monte Rosa hut
Hard trip in mostly bad weather. Long, cold, stormy, but a great landscape on the wild Grenzgletscher glacier, and fine powder snow. We were happy about the shelter of the winter room of Capanna Margherita.
Joerg Marretsch - Apr 18, 2005 5:24 pm
Route Climbed: From Quintino-Sella-Hut Date Climbed: 15 August 2004Beautiful but long day. We spend our lunchtime at Signalkuppe. Going down to Gnifetti Hut at afternoon.
luftikus - Nov 2, 2004 6:03 pm
Route Climbed: normal route from Ref. Gnifetti Date Climbed: August 2004... we have had nice weather
flearreta - Sep 8, 2004 1:40 pm
Route Climbed: Traverse Lyskamm-Signalkuppe Date Climbed: August 29, 2004A long day starting in the Quintino Sella hut at 6AM and ending atop the Marguerita Hut in the summit of Signalkuppe at 3PM. Took us 2 hours from Sella hut to Felikjoch and then an addtional 3 hours to complete the whole Lyskamm traverse up to the Lisjoch. From there, 1 hour to the summit of Ludwighohe, another hour to the summit of Parrotspitze and additional 1.5 hour to the top of Signalkuppe. Then a good night sleep at 4560 meters in the Marguerita hut ;).
mulidivarese - Sep 2, 2004 5:25 am
Route Climbed: Normal Date Climbed: 8th August 2003In a nice sunny day from refugee Mantova we (Valerio and Daniele) traversed from the Zumstein to Signalkuppe, Parrot, Ludwigshohe and Balmenhorn.
Beautiful day
birger.hoppe - Jul 18, 2004 4:04 pm
Route Climbed: Normal Route from Ref. Mantova Date Climbed: July 29, 2003Reached the summit with a group of seven people. Unfortunately, couldn't stay overnight as one of the group members got altitude sick despite a preparation time of 12 days. Simple ascent, but don't underestimate the altitude.
Lorenz - Jul 8, 2004 5:34 am
Route Climbed: Cresta Signal Date Climbed: 4 June 20042200 meters the first day to reach the Resegotti bivy (5 hours) , almost 1000 the second day for the summit (8.5 hours). Exellent conditions with a lot of snow which helps to keep together the rocks. Engaging route BTW - May 11, 2004 11:29 am
Route Climbed: Normal from Gnifetti hut. Date Climbed: august 1996My second 4000.Alone.Amazing experience!!!!!!!
Farmer - Apr 18, 2004 1:48 pm
Route Climbed: Normal Date Climbed: aug 1999Huhh? Which summit? I slept in the highest bed there was, so i think i reached the summit?!?
Take some time and (lots of) money with you because you must see the sun go down en come up at the Marg. Hut..... Its really amazing!
maria grazia s - Apr 11, 2004 11:48 am
Route Climbed: normal from Gnifetti Refuge Date Climbed: a few timesski mountanering
Irene+ - Jan 20, 2004 4:59 pm
Route Climbed: Rif. Mantova - Margherita Date Climbed: July 2003My first and last (hopefully not for long ) 4000+.
josep_ski - Dec 2, 2003 12:15 pm
Route Climbed: Punta Indren, Capanna Gnifetti, Lysjoch, Signalkuppe with skis Date Climbed: March 1988We reached Signalkuppe from Capanna Gnifetti after a hard day, all the way up with fresh snow was an exhausting uphill tracksetting but on the other hand we were absolutely alone in Monte Rosa, no tracks anywhere, nobody in Capanna Margherita. When I see this too much frequented summer routes I remember how alone we where those winter days in 1988. We had been blocked in Capanna Gnifetti for 2 days due to heavy snow fall, also we were alone there, in the winter part of the refuge, then at the third day, it looked like the sun will rise over the absolutely white mountains, so we decided to go up very early in the morning, the snow was deep and tracksetting was really exhausting, we had planned to climb Zumstein, but some of the team were tired after arriving at Signalkuppe, so we decided to go down to Gressoney, what a good ski descent!. When we reached the car, there was more than one meter of fresh snow over it.