jpershke - Jan 1, 2015 5:12 pm Date Climbed: Jan 1, 2015
east access question
Went route shown here today. Beautiful clear day. At the top continued north for about a mile until what seemed like the northern most point but noticed the trail continued.
Looked on google earth when home and see a marked trail labeled "snake mountain trail" with two access points from meat Camp road.... I see one post on this but curious why this is the one shown on google but most seem to do the rich mtn road route which is awfully steep.
DDes anyone else have more experience with the meat Camp access points?
Awesomely steep hike. Very pretty on a partly cloudy day! What do you all suppose that pole was for? The state has access now on Sutherland. Don't know where you would park down there, but you can park at the 'normal' spot and the state property is about 500' from there. Heavily marked...
WoundedKnee - Mar 12, 2007 1:14 am Date Climbed: Mar 10, 2007
Straight up from Rich Mtn Gap
Fantastic hike/ridge walk. One of my favorites in the southeast
Route Climbed: eastern side bushwhack Date Climbed: 10/11/2005
This the access is off Meat Camp Rd at the gap. Please contact the owners as they would like to know who is on the mountain.
I was up last month. Past the gate, I went right, should've gone straight. Ended up bushwhacking steeply up the east side of the mountain. The path on the summit ridge is fairly overgrown. In warm months I recommend long pants and long sleeve shirt. Good views from the HP, though fair amount of clouds when I was up, should be spectacular when clear.
I then went over to Rich Mt Bald and bushwhacked to the summit. I lost my keys and my wife ended up driving an hour to bring me another key. She hadn't been that mad in awhile.
bdreese2 - Jan 31, 2021 5:28 pm Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2014
Snake Mountain
jpershke - Jan 1, 2015 5:12 pm Date Climbed: Jan 1, 2015
east access questionWent route shown here today. Beautiful clear day. At the top continued north for about a mile until what seemed like the northern most point but noticed the trail continued.
Looked on google earth when home and see a marked trail labeled "snake mountain trail" with two access points from meat Camp road.... I see one post on this but curious why this is the one shown on google but most seem to do the rich mtn road route which is awfully steep.
DDes anyone else have more experience with the meat Camp access points?
Vortex - Jul 20, 2013 6:56 pm Date Climbed: Apr 2, 2011
Spring HikeVery pretty hike and very accessible. Steep, but not far.
JamesLautzenheiser - Oct 22, 2011 8:55 pm Date Climbed: Sep 23, 2011
East access alsoAwesomely steep hike. Very pretty on a partly cloudy day! What do you all suppose that pole was for? The state has access now on Sutherland. Don't know where you would park down there, but you can park at the 'normal' spot and the state property is about 500' from there. Heavily marked...
WoundedKnee - Mar 12, 2007 1:14 am Date Climbed: Mar 10, 2007
Straight up from Rich Mtn GapFantastic hike/ridge walk. One of my favorites in the southeast
royswkr - Jul 31, 2006 10:03 pm Date Climbed: Apr 8, 2004
From E, with phone permission from owner.
e-doc - Nov 15, 2005 12:54 pm
Route Climbed: eastern side bushwhack Date Climbed: 10/11/2005This the access is off Meat Camp Rd at the gap. Please contact the owners as they would like to know who is on the mountain.
I was up last month. Past the gate, I went right, should've gone straight. Ended up bushwhacking steeply up the east side of the mountain. The path on the summit ridge is fairly overgrown. In warm months I recommend long pants and long sleeve shirt. Good views from the HP, though fair amount of clouds when I was up, should be spectacular when clear.
I then went over to Rich Mt Bald and bushwhacked to the summit. I lost my keys and my wife ended up driving an hour to bring me another key. She hadn't been that mad in awhile.