SP'er Dennis Poulin heads for...

SP'er Dennis Poulin heads for...

SP'er Dennis Poulin heads for the highest spot of Pearsoll Peak (the rocks at the right). When he stepped on the highest spot, he became the first person to ever do all of the prominence peaks of the state of Oregon. The Pacific Ocean is just visible at the left side of the pic.
on Oct 7, 2005 12:14 am
Image ID: 129937


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Bob Bolton

Bob Bolton - Jun 18, 2008 10:46 pm - Voted 10/10


This is the first time I realized that Dennis completed the Oregon P2Ks (the first time) with you on Pearsoll. Very cool! -Bob

rlk - Oct 27, 2011 1:09 am - Hasn't voted


These pictures bring back good memories. It was the Summer of 1969. I had just graduated high school (Grants Pass) and my first post-hs job was as the resident Lookout on Pearsoll. I understand that I was the last resident Lookout on this mountain. After that, when the USFS needed eyes on the peak, like after a lightning storm, the Ranger from Store Gulch would drive up and stay a day or two.

The highlight of my stay was the night following lightning activity that I woke up around midnight and spotted fireglow on the ridge to the east, across the Illinois R. I radioed the Asst. Head Ranger in Cave Junction w/ a fire call and started to list the pertinent information.

After stopping in mid-sentence and a lo-o-o-ng pause, I apologized to him for making a fire report on the rising moon.

He was understanding.

Just out of this picture (14 of 17), at the bottom right, there should be a rock w/my initials "rlk" chipped into it.


Dean - Oct 27, 2011 10:04 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Memories

Amazing as it may seem, I remember seeing those initials on a rock. Never dreamed that the author of those initials would comment on a picture I took later on. Thanks for sharing your story, it certainly adds a dimension of specialness to this one.

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