Table Mountain Climber's Log

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nader - Jul 16, 2023 4:59 pm Date Climbed: Jul 2, 2023

Table Mountain, Columbia River Gorge  Sucess!

A beautiful 17 mile hike on a perfectly clear day with spectacular views from the summit.
See Trip report.


WOLFrising - Jul 18, 2016 12:24 am Date Climbed: Jul 17, 2016

Heartbreak above the gorge  Sucess!

Climbed on a cloudy morning that became a scorching afternoon. Maddie and I left from the hot springs resort and summited via the Heartbreak Ridge route. It was quite steep, and felt like climbing rather than hiking a trail in some places. After checking out the cliffs, we descended via the alternate route with the blasted hillside. The blackberries at the bottom made it all worth it!

Gregpdx - Dec 3, 2014 8:45 pm Date Climbed: Apr 28, 2014

Rain, sleet, snow and sun  Sucess!

All four seasons on this hike via Heartbreak Ridge


ScottHanson - Aug 3, 2014 1:19 am Date Climbed: Aug 2, 2014

Warm day, geat views  Sucess!

First time I have climbed Table Mountain, in Washington State. Beautiful weather with great views of Columbia River. 3 hr 10 minutes up. Total car to car time of 5 hr 45 minutes.

Brett A - Jun 30, 2014 7:49 pm Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2014

Cloudy Morning  Sucess!

No views unfortunately.


greglief - Aug 4, 2013 9:24 pm Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2012

Fantastic views!  Sucess!

It was steep, especially on the descent, but well worth the effort for the killer views of the Gorge. I tried to stand as close as possible to the edge, but the sheer cliffs made me a bit weak-kneed. :-)


bellinghamclimber - Jul 21, 2013 10:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2013

nice day hike  Sucess!

Hiked from the Aldrich Butte trailhead, and made a nice 5-hour loop out of it. Great weather and views, but I wasn't thrilled with some of the scree fields toward the top. A nice day hike though!

dcdiamond - Jul 1, 2013 2:04 pm Date Climbed: Jun 23, 2013

Take the Shortcut!  Sucess!

Started from the Bonneville Trailhead and went up the Tamanous trail (the longer version of the route). This goes through some generally boring clearcut. You're not missing anything on this part, and your legs will thank you on the way back down...


nicozone - Apr 20, 2012 10:04 am Date Climbed: Apr 14, 2012

Mazama BCEP Hike  Sucess!

I hiked to the top as part of a conditioning hike with the Mazamas Basic Climber Education Program (BCEP) class. Great program, and very glad to be back this year as an assistant instructor.

Infected Mushroom

Infected Mushroom - Sep 18, 2011 10:26 pm

Workin out  Sucess!

A good leg burner for the coming season


TyC - Jul 27, 2011 10:59 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2011

Perfect Weather  Sucess!

Got to the trail head at Bonneville Hot Springs and the clouds were just starting to break. Went up heartbreak ridge and reached the summit in an hour and thirty minutes. Pass several groups on the way up and then after taking pictures headed down to Aldrich Butte.


Lunadog - Apr 26, 2010 12:29 pm Date Climbed: Apr 25, 2010

Ruff!  Sucess!

With my Dad and his friend, Ian. I led the whole way. Rested a few times though. Another one that's been Luna-tized!


Levi - Jun 3, 2009 8:57 pm Date Climbed: May 29, 2009

Tough!  Sucess!

Did not expect such a work out. Beautiful day and was about eighty degrees. One of the best viewpoints of the gorge i have seen so far! The walk back was a long one and experienced a few blisters on the trip.


outdoorgirl - Apr 6, 2008 7:49 pm Date Climbed: Apr 5, 2008

South Trail/ Heartbreak Ridge Trail

A muddy, but peaceful walk through the woods, passing over the creeks, even saw the sun a little. Took the South Trail from the Bonneville Trailhead. Once on the Heartbreak Ridge Trail, ran into snow. Above the cliffs, some holes were waist deep! Not a day for pictures, but definitely want to come back in the summer time. In our excitement to get back to the car. we accidentally took the trail down to Bonneville Hot Springs. I am sure the dog and I looked like homeless people, soaked and covered in mud, walking back up HWY 14 to the car!


Rockawilliam - Aug 22, 2007 2:12 am

Both Table Mt. trails from the PCT

One of the best Gorge viewpoints. Lots of opportunities for exploring the summit plateau.


bmwboarder7 - Jul 23, 2007 12:17 am

Jumping Switchbacks  Sucess!

It was one of my first hikes with much elevation change. The trail was quite steep, with many switchbacks. On the way down we ran (we were younger...) and were using trees to turn us down the switchbacks. Quite a fun day hike.

Mr. Clam

Mr. Clam - May 28, 2007 10:06 pm Date Climbed: Apr 18, 2007

Main trail  Sucess!

A fun hike, It was snowing pretty hard on the summit.


BSPclimber - Apr 8, 2007 1:14 pm Date Climbed: Apr 7, 2007

Variation of South trail  Sucess!

Went with me BCEP class, we parked at the hot springs and took a brushy trail that connects with the jeep road, then the PCT. The last mile or so to the top was quite fun. Descended to the north and looped around to the west, I don't recommend it, there was quite a bit of blowdown and brush and is a couple of miles longer. Probably 10 miles RT. Overall a great hike, would be better descending the way we came, but still fun.


vcrewpc06 - Mar 26, 2007 4:14 am Date Climbed: Aug 14, 2005

Route Climbed: Main Trail  Sucess!

I climbed Table Mtn. with my venture crew in preparation for a backpacking trip. Hot day, arduous climb. The views were well worth it.


Aeldrin - Dec 21, 2006 2:21 pm

Route Climbed: South Trail  Sucess!

Climbed up the mountain as a conditioning hike with the Mazamas. There was a lot of snow on top, and a great day to be up there!

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