nader - Jul 9, 2006 8:56 pm Date Climbed: Jun 17, 2006
Takhte Khers
Climbed this as part of a 6 day tour of the area. Started at our camp at the 3790 m saddle at the base of the Kooleh Peak and followed the ridgeline south. Baypassed Points 3848 m and 3841 m to the west of them and then climbed the 4007 m Haft Saran Peak. The ridgeline that connected Haft Saran to Takhte Khers seemed to be rocky so descended into the very upper portions of the Sesang River and went to the saddle between Point 3983 m and Takhte Khers before heading for the summit. Steep snow bank below the summit.
nader - Jul 9, 2006 8:56 pm Date Climbed: Jun 17, 2006
Takhte KhersClimbed this as part of a 6 day tour of the area. Started at our camp at the 3790 m saddle at the base of the Kooleh Peak and followed the ridgeline south. Baypassed Points 3848 m and 3841 m to the west of them and then climbed the 4007 m Haft Saran Peak. The ridgeline that connected Haft Saran to Takhte Khers seemed to be rocky so descended into the very upper portions of the Sesang River and went to the saddle between Point 3983 m and Takhte Khers before heading for the summit. Steep snow bank below the summit.