Important note
I´m leaving Madrid in some weeks time so I can´t work on the SummitPost contents. I´ll start working again on the last days of December or on the first of 2008.
The Dictionary it´s working... but you can help us to improve its contents!
New ideas and opinions are wellcome. Also, collaborations are wellcome.
Editors note:
Please don´t edit the html contets directly: use the shared spreadsheet please... we´ll save time and effords.
The Toponimes Dictionary
English |
Spanish |
French |
Italian |
German |
ascent |
ascensión (m) |
ascensione (f) |
Anstieg (m) |
subida (f) |
salita (f ) |
Aufstieg (m) |
bivouac |
bivouac |
bivacco (m) |
Biwak (n) |
biwakieren |
bivouac shelter (??) |
bivacco |
Biwakschachtel (f) |
bridge |
puente (m) |
Brücke (f) |
buttress |
espolón (m) |
pillier |
sperone (m) |
Pfeiler (m) |
canyon |
barranco (m) |
Schlucht (f) |
cañón (m) |
canyon (m) |
gola (f) |
Canyon (m) |
desfiladero (f) |
défilé (m) |
forra (f) |
Klamm (f) |
garganta (f) |
gorge (f) |
hoz (f) |
foz (f) |
cairn |
hito (m) |
ometto (m) |
Steinmann (m) |
Steinhaufen (m) |
camp |
campamento (m) |
Lager (n) |
cascade |
cascada (f) |
cascata (f) |
Kaskade (f) |
Wasserfall (m) |
cave |
caverna (f) |
caverna (f) |
Höhle (f) |
cueva (f) |
gruta (f) |
grotte (f) |
grotte (f) |
Grotte (f) |
chain |
cordal (m) |
Kette (f) |
chimney |
chimenea (f) |
Kamin (m) |
cirque |
circo (m) |
cirque (f) |
circo (m) |
Kar (n) |
hoya (f) |
Bergkessel (m) |
col/pass/saddle |
achar (m) |
col (m) |
passo (m) |
Joch (n) |
alto (m) |
sella (f) |
Pass (m) |
collada/o (f/m) |
valico (m) |
Scharte (f) |
cuello (m) |
Sattel (m) |
puerto (m) |
paso (m) |
crack |
grieta (f) |
fessura (f) |
Riß (m) |
crevasse |
grieta (f) |
crevasse (f) |
crepaccio (m ) |
Gletscherspalte (f) |
sima (f) |
crossroad |
cruce de caminos (m) |
Wegkreuzung (f) (??) |
descent |
descenso (m) |
Abstieg (m) |
bajada (f) |
dihedral |
diedro (m) |
diedre |
diedro (m) |
Verschneidung (f) |
East |
Este (m) |
Ost(en) (m) |
edge |
borde (m) |
bord (m) |
spigolo (m) |
Kante (f) |
face |
cara (f) |
Wand (f) |
fountain / spring |
fuente (f) |
source (f) |
sorgente (f) |
Quelle (f) |
manantial (m) |
gap |
brecha (f) |
brèche (f) |
breccia (f) |
Spalte (f) |
horcado/a (m/f) |
trou (m) |
glacier |
glaciar (m) |
glacier (m) |
ghiacciaio (m) |
Gletscher (m) |
granite |
granito (m) |
granit (m) |
granito (m) |
Granit (m) |
gully/chute |
canal (f) |
goulotte (f) |
gola (f) |
Schlucht (f) |
corredor (m) |
couloir (m) |
burrone (m) |
Gully (m) |
height |
altura (f) |
Höhe (f) |
highland |
altiplano (m) |
Hochebene (f) |
Hochland (n) |
hill / mound / knoll |
loma (f) |
Hügel (m) |
colina (m) |
Anhöhe (f) |
hut |
refugio (m) |
réfuge (m) |
rifugio |
Hütte (f) |
ice |
hielo (m) |
Eis (n) |
lake |
lago (m) |
lac (m) |
lago (m) |
See (m) |
ibón (m) |
limestone |
caliza (f) |
calcaire (m) |
calcare (m) |
Kalkstein (m) |
roca calcárea (f) |
little lake |
laguna (f) |
petit lac (m) |
laghetto (m) |
kleiner See (m) |
Teich (m) |
meadow |
prado (m) |
prato (m) |
Wiese (f) |
pradera (f) |
mount |
monte (m) |
mont (m) |
monte (m) |
Berg (m) |
cerro (m) |
cueto (m) |
mountain |
montaña (f) |
montagne (f) |
montagna (f) |
Berg (m) |
needle/spire |
aguja (f) |
aiguille (f) |
ago (m) |
Nadel (f) |
guglia (f) |
Pfeiler (m) |
Zinne (f) |
Spitze (f) |
North |
Norte (m) |
Nord(en) (m) |
path |
sendero (m) |
sentiero (m) |
Pfad (m) |
senda (f) |
peak |
pico (m) |
pic (m) |
picco (m) |
Berg (m) |
pizzo (m) |
Gipfel (m) |
cuspide (f) |
Pole (North and South) |
Polo (Norte y Sur) |
Nordpol (m) / Südpol (m) |
range |
cordillera (f) |
catena (f) |
Gebirgskette (f) |
reservoir |
embalse (m) |
réservoir (m) |
bacino (m) |
Talsperre (f) |
pantano (m) |
Staumauer (f) |
ridge |
arista (f) |
arête (f) |
catena (f) |
Grat (m) |
cresta (f) |
crête (f) |
cresta (f) |
Bergrücken (m) |
river |
río (m) |
rivière (m) |
fiume (m) |
Fluß (m) |
road |
carretera (m) |
(Land)straße (f) |
route |
ruta (f) |
Route (f) |
Strecke (f) |
rock |
roca (f) |
Felsen (m) |
peña (f) |
piedra (f) |
scree |
pedrero (m) |
pierrier (m) |
detritico (m) |
Geröll (n) |
Schutthalde (f) |
Talus (geol.) (m) |
serac |
serac (m) |
seracco (m) |
Serak (m) |
Gletscherturm (m) |
slope |
cuesta (f) |
pente (f) |
pendice (f) |
Abhang (m) |
ladera (f) |
côte |
pendio (m) |
Hang (m) |
repecho (m) |
stone |
piedra (f) |
Stein (m) |
South |
Sur (m) |
Süd(en) (m) |
stream |
arroyo (m) |
Fluss (m) |
riachuelo m) |
Strom (m) |
reguero (m) |
summit |
cima (m) |
cime (f) |
cima (f) |
Gipfel (m) |
cumbre (m) |
sommet (m) |
trail |
camino (m) |
pista (f) |
Pfad (m) |
pista (f) |
Piste (f) |
tunnel |
tunel (m) |
galleria (f) |
Sanduhr (f) |
valley |
valle (m) |
vallée (f) |
valle (f) |
Tal (n) |
village |
pueblo (m) |
Dorf (n) |
water |
agua (f) |
acqua (f) |
Wasser (n) |
waterfall |
catarata (f) |
cascata (f) |
Wasserfall (m) |
West |
Oeste (m) |
West(en) (m) |
Help needed: |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Schrofen (m) |
btw. any idea how to translate the German "Schrofen" (steep slope of mixed meadow and often loose rock) to English, Spanish ...??
The Weather Dictionary
English |
Spanish |
French |
Italian |
German |
anticyclone |
anticiclón |
anticiclone (m) |
avalanche |
avalancha (f) |
valanga (f) |
Lawine (f) |
alud (f) |
avalanche bulletin |
Lawinenlagebericht (m) |
avalanche risk report (??) |
blizzard |
ventisca (f) |
tempête (f) de neige |
tormenta (f) |
Schneesturm (m) |
blizzard (m) |
bufera (f) |
cloud |
nube (f) |
nuage (m) |
nuvola (f) |
Wolke (f) |
cloudy |
nublado (m) |
nuvoloso (m) |
bewölkt, wolkig |
cold |
frío (m) |
froid (m) |
freddo (m) |
Kälte (f) |
dew |
rocío (m) |
rugiada (f) |
Tau (m) |
fog |
niebla (f) |
brume (f) |
nebbia (f) |
Nebel (m) |
freeze (to) |
helar |
geler |
gelo (m) |
erfrieren |
frieren |
frost |
escarcha (f) |
gelo (m) |
brina (f) |
gale |
vendaval (m) |
bufera (f) |
Sturm (m), |
gust |
borrasca (f) |
Böe (f) |
hail |
granizo (m) |
grêle |
grandine (f) |
Hagel (m) |
heat |
calor (m) |
chaud (m) |
caldo (m) |
Hitze (f) |
hurricane |
huracán (m) |
uragano (m) |
Hurrikan (m), Wirbelsturm (m) |
ice |
hielo (m) |
glace (f) |
ghiaccio (m) |
Eis (n) |
lightning |
relámpago (m) |
foudre (f) |
fulmine (m) |
Blitz (m) |
eclair (m) |
mist |
bruma (m) |
brumaille (f) |
bruma (f) |
Nebel (m) |
foschia (f) |
Sprühregen (m) |
rain |
lluvia (f) |
pluie (f) |
pioggia (f) |
Regen (m) |
chubasco (m) |
rainy |
lluvioso (m) |
regnerisch |
ray |
rayo m) |
rayon (m) |
raggio (m) |
snow |
nieve (f) |
neige (f) |
neve (f) |
Schnee (m) |
storm |
tormenta (f) |
tempête (f) |
tempesta (f) |
Sturm (m) |
tempestad (f) |
orage (m) |
stormy |
tormentoso (m) |
burrascoso (m) |
stürmisch |
borrascoso (m) |
sun |
sol (m) |
soleil (m) |
sole (m) |
Sonne (f) |
sunny |
soleado (m) |
soleggiato (m) |
sonnig |
anticiclónico (m) |
sunrise / dawn |
amanecer (m) |
aube (f) |
alba (f) |
Sonnenaufgang (m) |
alba (f) |
Morgendämmerung (f) |
(Morgenrot) |
sunset / twilight |
puesta de sol (m) |
coucher (m) du soleil |
tramonto (m) |
Sonnenuntergang (m) |
atardecer (m) |
crepuscolo (m) |
Abenddämmerung (f) |
crepúsculo (m) |
crepuscule (m) |
(Abendrot) (f) |
ocaso (m) |
typhoon |
tifón (m) |
tifone (m) |
Taifun (m) |
twister |
tornado (m) |
tornado (m) |
Tornado (m), Wirbelwind (m) |
thunder |
trueno (m) |
tonnerre (m) |
tuono (m) |
Donner (m) |
weather |
tiempo (m) |
tempo (m) |
Wetter (n) |
weather forecast |
prónostico del tiempo (m) |
previsioni del tempo (m) |
Wetterprognose (f) |
parte meteorológico (m) |
Wettervorhersage (f) |
wind |
viento (m) |
vent (m) |
vento (m) |
Wind (m) |
whiteout |
tormenta de nieve (f) |
tormenta di neve (f) |
Whiteout |
Gear Dictionary
English |
Spanish |
French |
Italian |
German |
altimeter |
altímetro (m) |
altimetro (m) |
Höhenmesser (m) |
avalanche beacon |
seganlatore per valanghe (m) |
LVS Gerät (n) |
avalanche transceiver |
Pieps (n) |
backpack |
mochila (f) |
zaino (m) |
Rucksack (m) |
biner |
mosquetón (m) |
moschettone (m) |
Karabiner (m) |
binoculars |
binoculares (m) |
binocolo (m) |
Fernglas (n) |
prismáticos (m) |
gemelos (m) |
bivy sack |
zaino per bivacco (m) |
Biwaksack (m) |
bolt |
dado (m) |
Bohrhaken (m) |
book |
libro (m) |
libro (m) |
Buch (n) |
boots |
botas (f) |
scarponi |
Schuhe (m) |
bottle |
botella (f) |
bottiglia (f) |
Flasche (f) |
camera |
cámara (f) |
macchina fotografica (f) |
Fotoapparat (m) |
canteen |
cantimplora (f) |
mensa (f) |
Kochgeschirr (n) (??) |
cap |
gorro |
tappo (m) |
Kappe (f) |
climbing shoes |
pies de gato (m) |
scarpette da arrampicata (f) |
Kletterschuhe (m) |
Kletterpatschen (m) [in AT] |
Kletterfinken (?) [in CH] |
climbing skins |
piel de foca (m) |
pelli di foca (f) |
Steigfelle (n) |
compass |
brújula (f) |
bussola (f) |
Kompass (m) |
Bussole (f) |
crampons |
crampones (m) |
crampons |
ramponi (m) |
Steigeisen |
donkey |
burro (m) |
asino (m) |
Esel (m) |
double rope |
corda doppia (f) |
Doppelseil (n) |
Halbseil (n) |
figure 8 |
huit |
discensore a 8 (m) |
Abseilachter (m) |
Achter (m) |
first aid kit |
kit de primeros auxilios (m) |
Kit di primo soccorso (m) |
Erste-Hilfe-Set |
botiquín (m) |
gaiters |
polainas (f) |
ghette (f) |
Gamaschen (f) |
guetres (m) |
guide |
guía (m) |
guida (f) |
Führer (m) |
glove |
guante (m) |
guanti (m) |
Handschuh (m) |
googles |
gafas de ventisca (f) |
occhiali da sole (m) |
Brille (f) |
harness |
arnés (m) |
imbracatura (f) |
Klettergurt (m) |
hat |
sombrero (m) |
cappello (m) |
(Sonnen)hut (m) |
headlamp |
linterna frontal (f) |
lampada frontale (f) |
Stirnlampe (f) |
helmet |
casco (m) |
casco (m) |
Helm (m) |
ice axe |
piolet (m) |
piolet |
piccozza da ghiaccio (f) |
Eispickel (m) |
ice screw |
tornillo de hielo (m) |
chiodo da ghiaccio (m) |
Eisschraube (f) |
jacket |
chaqueta (f) |
giacca (f) |
Jacke (f) |
knife |
cuchillo (m) |
coltello (m) |
Messer (n) |
knot |
nudo (m) |
nodo (m) |
Knoten (m) |
map |
mapa (m) |
mappa (f) |
Landkarte (f) |
mittens |
manoplas (f) |
mezzi guanti (m) |
Fäustlinge (m) |
mobile phone |
teléfono móvil (m) |
cellulare (m) |
Handy (n) |
overboots |
cubrebotas (f) |
pants |
pantalones (m) |
pantaloni (m) |
Hose (f) |
pocket knife |
navaja (f) |
coltellino (m) |
Taschenmesser (n) |
porter |
porteador (m) |
portatore (m) |
Träger (m) |
cargador (m) |
quickdraw |
cinta express (f) |
rinvio (m) |
Expreßschlinge (f) |
radio |
radio (f) |
radio (f) |
Funkgerät |
raincoat |
chubasquero (m) |
impermeabile (m) |
Regenschutz (m) |
impermeable (m) |
Regenmantel (m) |
poncho (m) |
randonee binding |
fijaciones de travesía ? |
attacco (m) |
Skitourenbindung (f) |
randonee boot |
botas de travesía ? |
scarpone da sci-escursionismo (m) |
Skitourenschuh (m) |
randonee ski |
sci da Escursionismo (m) |
Skitourenski (m) |
rope |
cuerda (f) |
corda (f) |
Seil (n) |
snow shoes |
raquetas de nieve (f) |
racchette da neve (f) |
Schneeschuhe (m) |
ski poles |
palos de esquí (m) |
bastoncini da sci (m) |
Skistöcke (m) |
bastones (m) |
sleeping bag |
saco de dormir (m) |
sacco a pelo (m) |
Schlafsack (m) |
sleeping pad |
esterilla (f) |
cuscino (m) |
Matte (f) |
socks |
calcetines (m) |
calzetti (m) |
Socken (f) |
medias (f) |
stove |
hornillo (m) |
fornello (m) |
Kocher (m) |
sunglasses |
gafas de sol |
occhiali da sole (m) |
Sonnenbrille (f) |
tent |
tienda |
tente (?) |
tenda (m) |
Zelt (n) |
thermal bottle |
termo (m) |
termos (m) |
Thermoskanne (f) |
underwear |
ropa interior (f) |
biancheria intima (f) |
Unterwäsche (f) |
whistle |
silbato (m) |
fischietto (m) |
Pfeife (f) |
white gas |
benizina blanca |
gas butano (m) |
Reinbenzin |
News about this project
I´m looking for a easier way to let the collaborators exchange the info, something like a shared spreadsheet throug Google Docs or something similar, because I think it´s quite frustrating editing the html code directely.
The idea is:
* Collaborators edit the spreadsheet.
* Once the spreadsheet is updated export the info into html code
* Update SP with the html code exported from the spreadsheet
I´d like to know your opinions
Thanks everybody for your help!!!!
More news:
I was looking for a good way that let people just add information just
writing down into cell on a spreadsheet. Obviusly, human been like fresh air, clean water, flowers... but not edit a table contents on html code directly.
The good news is I think I have the tool to do the dirty work: using Google
Docs we can centralize into a unique file all the collaborations. Any of you just need to go into the
document using your web browser and simply edit the contents. :-D (it´s cool... and free!!!).
I have an account and a document on it. The only thing I need it´s your
email account. Then I´ll invite you to be a collaborator of the document and you´ll recive an email on your
box. Just click on the hyperlink you´ll find in the message and access the file.
Another great thing: if someone make a mistake or something we can go back,
because it records the versions of the document automatically.
Also, it lets exchange messages, so we can comunicate the rest of the
members about the new contents, ideas etc...
Later, with this file completed, we can just export into html, so 80% it´s
Just let me solve any problems I´m having with table html on SP... then the
proccess will be clear, simple and easier then edit html code.
The spreadsheet on-line system using Google Docs is ready and running. All the people interested in collaborate with the page just send me a Private Message or email, adding a gmail account to give you access to the file.
Portuguese and Polish languages are include in the shared database (the only GoogleDoc spreasheet) so new page with other languages will be ready soon.
Other languages help needed
Problems with GoogleDocs: we have exceed the cells limits of the on-line document
Problem has been solved spliting the shared file in three files
The Climbing Dictionary
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