Thayne Peak Climber's Log

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Wisemtn - Jul 5, 2024 4:50 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2024

Thayne/Deso  Sucess!

I grew up in Millcreek and lived in SLC my whole life and this is my 1st time on this trail. Headed over to S Thayne after but decided not to go straight up the ridge.


Moogie737 - Jun 16, 2021 11:20 am Date Climbed: May 17, 2024

From Desolation TH in Millcreek  Sucess!

#2 06-16-21 W/ Lana & Brent. This was my 2nd time on top and it may be my last (steep & rocky). But wildflowers today helped add color and variety to the never-ending ascent and the 300' vertical bushwhack to the summit. 2+15 to the "summit." #3 05-17-24 W/Lana. 99% snow from the one mile point. Hard to find trail. Not a lot of snow from the summit block base. 4+17 up. Peak #32 in my 80in80 quest.


SabineInUtah - Aug 12, 2019 10:44 am Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2019

Via Thayne Canyon  Sucess!

Nice summer hike as it is mostly shaded. Trail to within a tenth of a mile to the summit. There is a summit register or at least a tube for it, but the top of the tube is gone and no paper inside, only pencils. Next person to hike to the summit should take a small notepad to leave in the register. Hiked with RBD. About 6.5 miles RT from Desolation TH in Millcreek Canyon.


edge - Apr 23, 2017 11:37 pm Date Climbed: Apr 23, 2017

Great Spring Hike  Sucess!

Great views in the morning with plenty of snow still in Thayne Canyon. Even saw a bald eagle at the summit! One of my favorite Canyons off Milcreek Canyon for sure.


harbor - May 6, 2015 12:04 am Date Climbed: May 2, 2015

Spring ascent w/ much snow  Sucess!

Needed to get in a quick hike this Saturday so a friend and I hit this peak. Was both of our first time up the trail. Although we've had record low precip. this year there was still plenty of snow up at the top of Thaynes Canyon. Some plunge-stepping up to mid-thigh or deeper. Some of the spots up that canyon are positioned to where they get almost no sunlight. Pretty nice hike. Gorgeous lighting on Gobler's & Raymond near sunset.

Joseph Bullough

Joseph Bullough - Jul 20, 2014 6:51 pm Date Climbed: Jul 20, 2014

via Thayne Canyon  Sucess!

Hot day in July, despite being a north-facing trail.


scgrant - Sep 13, 2013 8:03 pm Date Climbed: Oct 26, 2014

Thaynes  Sucess!

10/26/2014 Nice hike with my dad. Bushwhacked and scrambled along the ridge to the true highpoint.
9/13/2013 Fun climb in the mist, rain, and clouds. Very jungle like. Climbed with my mom and dad.


Dean - Aug 17, 2013 5:22 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2013

Great conditioner  Sucess!

Using the directions provided here (great page as always Melinda) and also Eric Willhite's map and suggestions, I found this one to be a great hike. Lots of elevation gain (close to 3000) as I went up Thayne Canyon and down Desolation. I was amazed to see no one else on a fine Saturday so I had it all to myself. The register is not located on the highest point and is in real need of a better container. The register booklet is open to the rain so hopefully someone can take a better set up to serve as a protecting container. Very few signatures as most seem to quit right where the trail reaches the top and are glad to call it good. The highest spot is still about 2 or 3 hundred feet to the north but requires a bit of scrambling to get over there.


utahjimk - Jun 21, 2013 6:19 pm Date Climbed: Jun 21, 2013

via Thayne Canyon trail  Sucess!

nice hike on beautiful first day of summer! Picked up 3 ticks before embedded (one on the ground crawling toward me as I was seated!)


Fleshj27 - Jul 30, 2011 10:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2011

Catacylismic Failure

Note to self before attempt...RTFD: Read the Freakin directions. Took a shortcut, ended up on the Ridge to Hobbs Peak a mile to the East looking a thousand feet down at Thanye Peak. Declared victory and headed home...will schedule another try in the fall!


yadahzoemtn - Jun 20, 2011 9:27 pm Date Climbed: Jun 23, 2006

Nice Doggy Walk  Sucess!

06/23/06 Nice walk with Susan, and my two doggies, Neo and Domino
02/15/14 Route finding adventure in a foot and a half of snow. Good thing we brought the snowshoes. Best part was sharing the adventure with my son, Brewster and his two dogs, Miko and Nala
06/15/14 Once again with Miko and Nala. Beautiful day.
06/13/21 Once again with Miko and Nala. Beautiful day.
06/16/21 Once again with Miko and Nala, Michael and Brent. Beautiful day.
07/12/21 With Michael and Judy


jdw10 - Jun 29, 2010 2:17 pm Date Climbed: May 14, 2009

Thayne Peak  Sucess!

05/14/09: Successful summit on my 34th birthday!


PellucidWombat - Jun 12, 2010 4:47 pm

Thayne Canyon on my way to mt Raymond  Sucess!

I did this so long ago while on a hike with my dad. 2002? 2000? I really don't recall.

Scott Wesemann

Scott Wesemann - May 20, 2010 4:53 pm Date Climbed: May 20, 2010

Poor Mans Cold Fusion  Sucess!

With Matt V. and his friend Joe P. we were supposed to do Cold Fusion, but this will have to do. We went up the snow gully and we left the snow shoes and gaiters in the car. DUMB! The last half mile was an atrocious post-hole fest. It was slow going. Great views from up there.

Matthew Van Horn

Matthew Van Horn - May 20, 2010 2:25 pm Date Climbed: May 20, 2010

slogged up  Sucess!

From Millcreek canyon with Brother Wesemann and Brother D. Joe Punster.


Bignick - Oct 31, 2009 1:07 am

Thayne Peak  Sucess!

Done it a couple of times, once with my small dog who I had to carry the last few hundred feet to the summit as he was too tired.


byates - Dec 8, 2008 10:51 am

A lot  Sucess!

Get there occasionally.


ZeeJay - Dec 1, 2008 10:24 pm Date Climbed: Jun 30, 2007

A bunch  Sucess!

I've climbed this peak 12 times. I like it best in the spring when there is snow and you can conveniently go from the spring to the saddle and skip the switchbacks. On a nice spring day you can do this hike without seeing anyone, yet just across the road on Grandeur, there can be over 50 people on the trail.


Scott - Nov 30, 2008 12:48 pm

Thayne  Sucess!

Several years ago I hiked up Thayne Peak. I also did my "eagle project" on the Desolation Trail, but we didn't climb as far as the peak.


mountaingazelle - Nov 30, 2008 3:41 am Date Climbed: Nov 23, 2008

Thayne Canyon / Desolation Trail  Sucess!

After much physical therapy, I was able to hike to Thayne Peak on a very nice day in November. The Thayne Canyon trail is the shortest route to the summit. I also snowshoed up the mountain on February 21, 2005 via the Desolation Trail.

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