The Gorge of Xerokambos

The Gorge of Xerokambos

Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 35.05114°N / 26.20036°E
Additional Information GPX File: Download GPX » View Route on Map
Activities Activities: Sport Climbing
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Additional Information Elevation: 1575 ft / 480 m
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The largest canyon in the region of Xerokambos with a lot of climbing potential. The Gorge of Xerokambos is a three kilometers long canyon with a huge climbing potential. It goes from the north-west to the south-east. Both sides of the canyon are climbable. We started bolting in the upper part of the canyon, in sectors that are north-east oriented. However, if you have enough energy and bolts, you can bolt whenever you want.

Getting There

The easy way how to get to the canyon is to use a regular path from the Xerokambos. It takes you 50 minutes to get to our sectors "Red Rock" and "Kókkino Vrácho". The second possibility is to go with a car above the canyon and descend to the canyon from the top. In this case, you park two kilometers before the village Hametoulo ( road from Xerokambos to Ziros). Go along the yellow mark from the parking lot to the canyon. This route takes 15 minutes. However, there is at least one difficult place where you have to abseil down eight meters. There is a fixed rope installed. Be aware that you are descending in a highly protected area ( Natura 2000, archeological site).



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When to Climb

The optimal season is spring, autumn, and winter. However, you can climb also in the summer in shade.


There are no campsites in Xerokambos and Zakros.

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