Illimani & Huayna Potosi
It had been a long time since I had gone on a big expedition....long enough to only remember the good things. I was ready to hit the big mountains again when my friend, Joe started talking about a trip to Bolivia to climb Huayna Potosi (19,974 ft) and Illimani (21,122 ft).
The Cordillera Real, or Royal Range, of the Bolivian Andes is a very popular area for mountaineers due to easy approaches, high altitudes, and only moderate difficulty. To succeed, we would need to overcome the obvious technical, acclimatization and logistical challenges in addition to gastro-intestinal illnesses, serious sleep deprivation, and the constant threat of having our possessions stolen. And, of course, we'd have to cough up a considerable amount of money. We really had to want it.
The Great Bolivian Adventure
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