The How To's of A Splattski

The How To's of A Splattski

Page Type Page Type: Article
Activities Activities: Mountaineering

What A Splattski Is

In Idaho we affectionately call it the "Splattski" out of great respect to him, the one we think may have started it. If he didn't actually establish it, well then, he certainly started the trend.

So what is a Splattski? It is a very special type of summit photo where a person in the photo has to be the one taking the shot. Good Splattskis require full single-arm extension, and if the extension is also reflected in the photographer's sunglasses in the photo, even better. If everyone in the photo is framed nicely within the shot and smiles, AND you also have other mountain summits visible in the background of your photo, then you have not just taken a Splattski, you have created a Splattski Masterpiece.

Summit conditions may impact your ability to take a perfect Splattski, but there ARE acceptable variations that can grace your photo albums for generations to come. For example, a double-arm extension Splattski. There are two methods, the single photographer method (self-explanatory), and the team method, where all photo subjects must also hold the camera in full single-arm extension. Do note though, as collectors items, team Splattskis are not as valuable as single photographer Splattskis. Teams tend to block the view of background mountains and it can be difficult to ascertain if the team is even on a summit.

With regard to arm-extension reflection, certain types of goggles reflect better than others, but the need for goggles while taking a Splattski is, in itself, impressive.

Splattskis with subjects donning supplemental oxygen masks are also highly prized, as long as the use of oxygen was actually warranted. That said, Everest Splattskis are not any more impressive than a Splattski of your 88 year-old grandma, on oxygen, on any summit.

The traditional Splattski is taken on a mountain summit. However, you should always consider taking a Splattski anywhere you are with those you love. Love of mountains, love of people...a Splattski IS really all about love.

Splattskis must be taken with regard to safety. A frostbitten Splattski subject, or taking unnecessary risks to take a Splattski, is frowned upon.

The photo accompanying this article is of, and taken by, THE Splattski (do note, arm extension, reflection, framing, mountain background, summit location, smiling subjects).

What A Splattski Is Not

So there is no confusion, a Splattski is NOT a photo taken on a mountain summit using a tripod or any other stationary object.

A Splattski is also NOT a photo on a mountain summit of a group taken by someone not in the photo.

Glasses or goggles are NOT required.

Getting personal, if you are, shall we say, gifted, with long arms, you may NOT have to use full extension in taking your Splattski, but it is highly encouraged that you do so, in keeping with tradition.

A Splattski is NOT a forged or altered work.

In Summary

The Splattski is continually evolving and creativity is encouraged. With Splattski in the above photo, is Steve who set up the Splattski SummitPost page for everyone's Splattskis, at my suggestion.

Who am I? Well, I am NOT Splattski. I am merely a humble mountaineer inspired to spread the word. This Good News.

YOU no longer have to suffer the trauma of not having a summit photo to document your solo peaks.

YOU no longer have to be the one "taking the photo" but not be "in the photo."

YOU too, can relive your summit experience over and over again in pictures.

YOU can leave a legacy of Splattskis....

The world truly is yours. Spread the Good News.

Take Splattskis.

Upload Splattskis.

May the Splattski be with you.



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Viewing: 21-32 of 32

Deltaoperator17 - Nov 3, 2009 12:38 am - Voted 10/10

Re: Tips

No, that would be a "kam6alsoski", LOL


Mlasky - Nov 4, 2009 1:04 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Tips

great idea. I'm so stealing that thank! did you post your splattski yet?


tarol - Nov 4, 2009 9:38 am - Voted 10/10

Love it

Thank you! So glad to be able this self-portrait technique by its proper name now :)


SusanM - Nov 5, 2009 10:24 pm - Voted 10/10

Very Creative

I think this concept will catch on.


Mlasky - Nov 7, 2009 5:17 pm - Hasn't voted

seems to be

thanks for your nice words. I had been taking, and referring to them as, splattskis since I saw his (spattskis') photos. The name had been popping up on our idahosummits board with others too. I suggested we upload our splattskis all together somewhere and delta made a page here. I just thought it needed marketing so i got on a roll one night and wrote an article to be funny. I had just met splattski and climbed with him on a group outing about a week before the article. I figured he'd take it well. Frankly, I think its all in the name. It's fun to say. I don't think any amount of creative writing from me could have made a "Tom Shot" or a "Penny Pic" nearly as popular. Safe Summits!


lcarreau - Nov 10, 2009 9:53 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: seems...

That still doesn't explain where the word "splattski" originated from.

Is that the sound that is made when you take the "splattski" incorrectly, and fall down on your face ???


Deltaoperator17 - Nov 10, 2009 11:52 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: seems...

Splattki came from John's last name Platt and his love for Skiing. He can explain it better. The "Splattski" style photo in named after him because he almost always takes that summit photo (he has hundreds of them)


Mlasky - Nov 11, 2009 12:21 am - Hasn't voted

Re: seems...

it's one of those words that i suspect has multiple meanings, but definition "1" is the summit shot. My guess for "2" would be "a garage sale beyond compare." I think it would be in-area. And I think people on the lift should holler "NICE SPLATTSKI"!


lcarreau - Nov 11, 2009 12:21 am - Voted 10/10

Re: seems...

I didn't know what John's last name was. Thanks for clearing that
up for me, Steve.

Now, I can eat that hot dog with plenty of mustard!


Deltaoperator17 - Nov 11, 2009 2:10 am - Voted 10/10

Re: seems...

Waiting for your to come over with that Pizza and beer so we can go burn it off in them Idaho Hills! LOL

Mark Doiron

Mark Doiron - Apr 27, 2015 6:13 am - Voted 10/10


So glad to see this back on the front page. Every time I hear folks say they want to take a selfie, I think of this article, which I read way before ever hearing the term selfie.

--mark d.


lcarreau - Apr 28, 2015 10:00 pm - Voted 10/10

Ditto ....

I read it way before I promised Delta Operator I'd come to Idaho.

Missed out on some good pizza and beer, for damned sure!

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