The Trzy Korony...

The Trzy Korony...

The southern walls of Trzy Korony Mt. (982 m asl), a rainy day of September 2006.
Romuald Kosina
on Oct 8, 2006 3:16 pm
Image ID: 232960


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yatsek - Jan 17, 2009 4:15 pm - Voted 10/10


Or the tears of mine/those locked in the city, on the other side of the screen???

Romuald Kosina

Romuald Kosina - Jan 18, 2009 5:29 am - Hasn't voted

Yes, ...

Jacku, yes! You are right :-)
It was a day, windy and rainy, and me alone at the top of Trzy Korony :-)
I am still thinking how to go outside the city. Probably in March I will do it, hiking through snow fileds in Izery.

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