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colinr - Oct 12, 2015 1:09 am - Voted 10/10

That darn cat.

Glad to hear you, your cat, and your belongings made it through the fire! Funny, I read your report, got up, gathered some kitchen scraps to add to the garbage can already out at the curb, walked out front, and was greeted by a friendly meow from a feral cat that has been hanging around for several years, but recently spending more and more time in my front yard rather than elsewhere. This friendly vocalization was a first, as was her allowing me to pet her and hold her in my arms, so I reciprocated with another first-- a donation of leftover chicken. I suspect I now have a friend for life. My lone remaining pet cat watched from inside the front window and vocalized his jealous protest as I walked back in. Oh well, at least he then got to plant himself on my lap as I typed this. Anyway, I hope we make it through this Indian Summer without any more fires and see El Nino put a dent in the drought before summer returns.


Noondueler - Oct 12, 2015 2:09 am - Hasn't voted

Re: That darn cat.

Thanks Sean. Stu Deans is not a very vocal cat but he was carrying on at length all day after we got back telling us about his adventures on the farm.


markhallam - Oct 12, 2015 1:14 am - Voted 10/10

Glad you are OK...

...including down to the return of Mr Deans! What a horrific event... I have family in Australia and we have had occasional times worrying about them with similar occurrences over there. As you might imagine doesn't happen a lot in UK - can't say never though, once in a while it gets hot and dry even here. Sad for all those who weren't as lucky as you...
best wishes, Mark


silversummit - Oct 16, 2015 11:15 am - Voted 10/10

Scary experience...

Windsor - I can't imagine deciding what to take with us in an emergency so I'm glad you got through it relatively unscathed. Must be hard seeing the devastation around you but I am so glad you and Stu Deans are okay.



Noondueler - Oct 17, 2015 6:59 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Scary experience...

Thanks Kathy. I've moved several times in the last few years. Everything I own here and there in storage. I just grabbed my computers and important daily stuff and lived in the van for 2 weeks. I been camping in it in the mountains for years anyway. I even had electrical power extended to the van. I never saw any of the news our anything about it on media because we were we out in the county with no cable etc. Yes the devastation is remarkable.

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