KoenVl - Jun 3, 2012 6:06 am - Voted 10/10
Great sunrise!Seen from the Grand Mountet (which I really want to visit a soon as I can) Ober Gabelhorn is just such a beautiful mountain, with one of the most elegant ice faces I know!
Great capture!
EricChu - Jun 3, 2012 8:01 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Great sunrise!Thanks a lot, Koen! Yes, I found the same thing already when I first set eyes upon it having reached the "bend" before crossing the wide rubble plateau leading to the Grand Mountet hut, and then all the more when I was on the moraine right above the Glacier du Mountet - that peak is so monumental and yet at the same time of such a graceful elegance!!
Cheers, Koen,
hiltrud.liu - Jun 3, 2012 8:57 am - Voted 10/10
Nice sunrise...impressive and atmospheric! Gern hätte ich diesen Sonnenaufgang selber miterlebt!!!
Cheers, Hiltrud
EricChu - Jun 3, 2012 10:28 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Nice sunrise...Ich wünsche mir sehnlichst, auch diesen Sommer so ein Erlebnis haben zu können - so etwas vergisst man nicht!!
Vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar, Hiltrud!
Alles Gute Dir,
Marcsoltan - Jun 3, 2012 11:11 am - Voted 10/10
Well,...you've done it again, Eric. Another jaw-dropping photo to soar to the front page.
EricChu - Jun 3, 2012 12:44 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: Well,...Thanks Marc! :-) As to the front page, we'll see...as usual, anybody's guess...:-)
MariaH - Jun 4, 2012 4:42 am - Voted 10/10
So...you were up that early also last year! ;-)
Very nice photo, hopefully to become POTD!
MariaH - Jun 4, 2012 4:45 am - Voted 10/10
Oh...just now I saw you DID it! Bravo for your newest POTD! :-)
EricChu - Jun 4, 2012 5:38 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Oh...Thank you, Maria! :-)
Sarah Simon - Jun 4, 2012 9:38 am - Voted 10/10
Absolutely beautiful!Fantastic capture! -Sarah
EricChu - Jun 4, 2012 11:20 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Absolutely beautiful!Thanks vey much, Sarah! :-)
Many greetings,
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