The Vision, 5.10R, 4 Pitches Climber's Log

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Dow Williams

Dow Williams - Aug 3, 2024 8:02 am Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2024

The Vision, 5.10R, 4 Pitches  Sucess!

With Danny U. It is runout slab, my partner backed off the 1st pitch slab because of it and he is way bolder than most any of us on cracks and offwidth. I led the 1st pitch and did not find it as exciting as several of Pywiack Dome's routes. An off set cam was bomber and protected any ground fall in my opinion. There is some conversation about this pitch on so I think it got in Danny's head. The 2nd and 3rd pitch leads were typical Yosemite run out bolted slab. I led the crux 3rd pitch and it has two definitive cruxes. The first one involves the last moves before clipping a bolt way out left before traversing back right to the base of the crack that makes up the 4th pitch. Another tricky runout move at the grade came before I could get my first gear in that crack. I tried to combine pitches 3 and 4 with double 70's but they would not reach. I had to make a gear belay below the comfy ledge. The rap is easily reached unroped by competent parties. We had doubles, but I know I would be comfortable getting down with a single 70m with a few short sections of exposed scrambling. There are a variety of fixed stations. We skipped at least one if not two with double ropes.

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