scramblingbadger - Nov 10, 2019 3:27 pm Date Climbed: May 26, 1979
Family Trip
Hiked here on a family trip in 1979. Great views!
BKiser90 - Jul 9, 2017 4:33 pm Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2016
Multiple Trips
Most recent trip my bro in law did the Intro to Caving Tour in Hansen Cave. Since I'm not an avid spelunker it was a fun intro in a cool new area of the cave I had never been to.
Been here twice, both times astounded by the rocks of the cave. The hike up is nice and fairly scenic--actually found a USGS BM just off the trail--but the caves themselves are just fantastic. Would highly recommend this amazing tour to anyone in the area!
dstevenson0204 - Jan 27, 2013 12:04 am Date Climbed: Jul 31, 2012
scramblingbadger - Nov 10, 2019 3:27 pm Date Climbed: May 26, 1979
Family TripHiked here on a family trip in 1979. Great views!
BKiser90 - Jul 9, 2017 4:33 pm Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2016
Multiple TripsMost recent trip my bro in law did the Intro to Caving Tour in Hansen Cave. Since I'm not an avid spelunker it was a fun intro in a cool new area of the cave I had never been to.
Clubbox42 - Jun 5, 2016 8:08 pm
First Real CaveBeen here twice, both times astounded by the rocks of the cave. The hike up is nice and fairly scenic--actually found a USGS BM just off the trail--but the caves themselves are just fantastic. Would highly recommend this amazing tour to anyone in the area!
dstevenson0204 - Jan 27, 2013 12:04 am Date Climbed: Jul 31, 2012
Fun DayWent to Timpanogos cave with some friends!
imontop - Nov 14, 2012 10:53 pm
Great place!Several times with my kids when they thought I was cool for taking them there.
lcarreau - Sep 26, 2012 11:36 pm Date Climbed: Jul 10, 1973
Caving MemoriesDid the cave tour as a participant on a high school field trip in 1973.
Loved the part when they turned off the lights!
Fleshj27 - Sep 24, 2012 11:45 pm Date Climbed: Sep 14, 2012
Way Cool Side TripAborted out of attempting Mt. Timpanogos, did the caves as a consolation heck of a great time!