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Gangolf Haub

Gangolf Haub - Apr 18, 2006 6:31 pm - Voted 8/10

Quite a nice page

I would have liked to have a bit more specific information as to where the summit is. Luckily I had a map handy so I can see why you didn't say anything about it but I think you should mention that the summit is directly to the south of Hochgallhütte and only about 500 apart from it. Also the ascent trail to Kasseler Nock and Magerstein leads by (maybe even across) the summit and is one of the main traverses from the Ahrntal / Reintal region to the Antholz region.

Also, you should take a closer look at your spelling - take MS- Word for it - it even comes with a crude grammar check built into it.

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