The Needle, Snowfield Peak, The Horseman, Horsemans Pack

The Needle, Snowfield Peak, The Horseman, Horsemans Pack

The west face of the southern Snowfield group seen from the summit of Thornton Peak (6935 feet), October 23, 2015. Cats Ear (7560+ feet) is the left shoulder without prominence while the sharp point left of center is The Needle (8040 feet). What appears as the highest point in the center is Snowfield Peak (8347 feet) peaking up behind the ridge, while right of that is The Horseman and Horsemans Pack (8152 feet). The Haystack (7139 feet) is also visible in the foreground down and slightly right of The Needle. The charred slopes below burned in August 2015 as part of the Goodell Fire. Here is a map of the fire.
on Oct 28, 2015 11:03 am
Image ID: 957663


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