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AdventurasDeAlejo - Mar 12, 2017 9:54 pm - Hasn't voted

Updated climbed March 2017

I climbed Telica March 4, 2017. I started in Leon taking a chicken bus and heading to San Jacinto asking for HERVIDEROS. There is a 2 dollar fee paid at this gate and a 3 dollar fee on top. The fee on top I bargained saying that I didn’t have enough money to get back. The one on top does not see legit sanctioned by the government, even though they have a script.

I did not get a guide because I wanted to run. I ended up taking the wrong ridge and going almost 20 miles. At the gate at the bottom I was told by the people that the government offers a guide for free. I think because it is a dangerous hike. I am not certain it is free though because I did not utilize it.

I got lost because I followed a ridge that I saw behind the volcano on my way in. This is not the way to go as it is another summit and you have to go down a long way to go back up. You need to stay right next to Volcan Santa Clara before going up.

BEST ADVICE: download MAPS.ME it has the trail on it completely and you can use it without any signal. From what the map shows, it would be best to get off the bus before San Jacinto, where the trail starts. I don’t think you would pay the fee down low. This is also the trail the the guides take as they do not go through San Jacinto. The trail you will see starts right after Santa Teresa.

What I brought: 4 liters of water, I drank almost all of it. I think 3 liters would be sufficient. I also ate an avacado and 3 oranges. I recommend getting food and water in Leon before leaving as there is not much in these little towns. The bus station will have everything you need.

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