Weathering Heights, III, WI 4 Climber's Log

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pvalchev - Mar 13, 2007 1:51 am Date Climbed: Feb 16, 2007

Weathering Heights  Sucess!

I love this route, despite what Dow says :) Planters Valley is one of my favourite places to climb, including rock in the summer. You will most likely have it to yourself, and it is a loong way from civilization here. If the climbs in this area were twice as long, it would be world class - still enjoyable though.

Dow Williams

Dow Williams - Feb 20, 2007 3:27 pm

Weathering Heights  Sucess!

Peter loves going up Planter's Valley, I am so-so on it. The route I believe I would enjoy the most is the last one (of the published routes) we have not done, Anorexia Nervosa. It has to be 10-20 degrees F colder up here vs most of the south Ghost routes. Really can funnel a cold wind. Weathering Heights was picked out bad by February. I suspect it is a bomber route in early January.

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