Whetstone Buttes Climber's Log

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jdzaharia - Sep 21, 2009 12:20 pm Date Climbed: Sep 18, 2009

Deer  Sucess!

I spent a few hours, beginning about an hour before first light looking at the view in the second photo on the main page. I watched small mule deer buck browse about 20 yards beneath me, and watched a whitetail buck bed in an unharvested wheat field, with just the tips of his antlers visible about 400 yards away. I then hiked over to the HP in the main page photo and glassed some other mule deer. After the deer were gone, I climbed the caprock for no reason, other than the fact that I could. Two days later, I returned to the area, saw the same muley buck and bedded two other whitetails in the unharvested wheat. I also watched a coyote try to sneak on a herd of 17 antelope. The antelope were going to have none of that, and the coyote eventually trotted away, empty-handed.


jdzaharia - Sep 11, 2009 11:17 am Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2009

Adams CoHP  Sucess!

While stalking and glassing for mule deer, under a caprock, I realized I was on the Adams County highpoint. I quickly scrambled up the caprock and summited. Later in the afternoon, I summited the southwestern butte. The views were great. I returned to the area the next morning about an hour before first light and watched the sun rise. In two days I reached the top of four of the buttes that make up the Whetstone Buttes.

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