Route Climbed: from Pitztal ski area to Mittelbergjoch and over Taschach Ferner - with skis Date Climbed: July 20, 2005
Perfect day for ski touring in July. New snow from thunderstorms the day before. Long hike up, short ski descent back to Mittelbergjoch. Solo - but met a bunch of others.
Route Climbed: Mitterkarjoch Date Climbed: 10th July 2004
Started snowing upon leaving Vent, route past Breslauer Hutte and up Mitterkarferner to Mitterkarjoch. Across Taschachferner and upto summit. Visibility for whole climb was poor with high winds especially on the last ascent to the summit. An enjoyable climb although pity about the view from the top (or lack of it). Summitted at 12.15pm.
Route Climbed: normal way Date Climbed: 22. july 2004
It was my second attempt. A dream is realy! The snow was good in the morning and we reached the summit at 10 a.m. We had very nice weather on the summit.
Route Climbed: Breslauer hutte / Mitterkarjoch Date Climbed: 22 august 2003
Locals told us the route was more difficult this year. We indeed had to cross a large crevasse at the Mitterkarferner. But otherwise no real difficulties to reach the Mitterkarjoch (some rockfall danger).
As we reached the (south) summit it was partly cloudy. Unfortunately no great views. Traversed to the north summit and back via Rofenkargletscher to the Breslauer hutte. Nice climb.
Route Climbed: Normal route from Vernagt Hutte Date Climbed: 28 aug 2003
Due to the very warm summer, almost no snow was left on the mountain, only ice. Because of stonefall danger on the Mitterkarjoch, we descended over the Rofenkarjoch. Very nice view, rather crowded on the small summit.
Route Climbed: Breslauer way Date Climbed: juli 2003
Nice climbing in a nice environment.
The climb to the Mitterkarjoch was a real snowslog.
The Austrian guides were gratefull for our exhausting trailbreaking.
mpa - Jul 29, 2003 7:12 am Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2000
Normal route from Braunschweigerhütte
A long climb from Brauschweigerhütte, 6 hours to the top. Perfect weather and therefore very crowded on the south summit. Traverse to the (empty) north summit.
Route Climbed: North Face Date Climbed: July 13 2003
It was a long and tiring climb from Mittelberg through Taschachhaus. It was my first alpine ice wall and it was much more difficult than I had expected. The wall itself took almost 7 hours for us (twice as the 'official' time), on sometimes unstable blank ice.
Route Climbed: "Guide route"= partially normal route Date Climbed: 22 juli 2001
Very good weather on this long and crowded climb from the Braunschweiger Htt.
Not difficult and a bit boring at times, but still nice. Last meters of rock were the most interesting, with crampons on. Again a super view on the top.
Route Climbed: Normal Route from the Pitztal cable car Date Climbed: 30. März 2003
The ascent from the cable car was easy; less than 2.5 h. At the summit it was somewhat crowdy. We skied back via the Taschach-Ferner what was much more exhausing for me than the ascent.
Route Climbed: Breslauer Hütte, Mitterkarjoch Date Climbed: 21.07.2000
On a very nice day we tried to climb the summit of the Wildspitze. We did a big mistake. We wanted to go in one day. So we reached the Mitterkarjoch at "High Noon". In this time the snow is very softly. Most of the summit climbers did already the way back. So we enjoyed the beautiful view to the mountains arround us. We would take to the summit only 0,75 hours!
We'll be back again some day - then we'll reach the summit!
Ötztal is one of the most beautiful valley in Austria. A more day tracking in Ötztal is suggested, linking the climb of Wildspitze with the climb of Weisskugel.
Jurgen - Jun 22, 2006 2:44 pm
Date climbed: august 2003Northeast ridge (Jubiläumsgrat). Beautifull ridge!
Sebastian Hamm - Apr 16, 2006 12:22 pm Date Climbed: Apr 6, 2006
Skiing WildspitzeFrom Mittelbergjoch to Wildspitze. Very sunny day.
Thanks to Max
lars - Sep 19, 2005 6:48 am
Route Climbed: From Taschachhut Date Climbed: 15.09.2005Gumpie - Aug 20, 2005 4:55 pm
Route Climbed: from Pitztal ski area to Mittelbergjoch and over Taschach Ferner - with skis Date Climbed: July 20, 2005Perfect day for ski touring in July. New snow from thunderstorms the day before. Long hike up, short ski descent back to Mittelbergjoch. Solo - but met a bunch of others.
Robert Bradbury - Apr 19, 2005 11:56 am
Route Climbed: Mitterkarjoch Date Climbed: 10th July 2004Started snowing upon leaving Vent, route past Breslauer Hutte and up Mitterkarferner to Mitterkarjoch. Across Taschachferner and upto summit. Visibility for whole climb was poor with high winds especially on the last ascent to the summit. An enjoyable climb although pity about the view from the top (or lack of it). Summitted at 12.15pm.
erik_ravenstijn - Mar 12, 2005 4:35 pm
Route Climbed: Traverse mitterkarferner - rofenkarferner Date Climbed: 2 august 2003Beautifaul traverse done with my friend Marc, a guide and two other clients.
bergnasenbaer - Dec 6, 2004 2:39 pm
Route Climbed: Northface Date Climbed: September 2002Perfect konditions. From Taschachhaus. The north-west ridge was our descent-route.
Frankie - Jul 26, 2004 8:50 am
Route Climbed: normal way Date Climbed: 22. july 2004It was my second attempt. A dream is realy! The snow was good in the morning and we reached the summit at 10 a.m. We had very nice weather on the summit.
TOMPERM - Jul 7, 2004 11:00 am
Route Climbed: Northface Date Climbed: 26. Juni 1998Perfect conditions. Good weather.
Eelconl - Feb 17, 2004 7:24 am
Route Climbed: Normal route Date Climbed: Summer 1993 and 1997Hadn't time to do the North Face afterwards. It is still an beautiful mountain. Perfect view over the Ötztal Alps. Try it and you know what I mean.
David_Holland - Jan 22, 2004 2:07 pm
Route Climbed: West ridge Date Climbed: 20-07-2003good to do
Rockhopper - Sep 12, 2003 4:07 am
Route Climbed: Breslauer hutte / Mitterkarjoch Date Climbed: 22 august 2003Locals told us the route was more difficult this year. We indeed had to cross a large crevasse at the Mitterkarferner. But otherwise no real difficulties to reach the Mitterkarjoch (some rockfall danger).
As we reached the (south) summit it was partly cloudy. Unfortunately no great views. Traversed to the north summit and back via Rofenkargletscher to the Breslauer hutte. Nice climb.
hoorickj - Aug 31, 2003 3:14 pm
Route Climbed: Normal route from Vernagt Hutte Date Climbed: 28 aug 2003Due to the very warm summer, almost no snow was left on the mountain, only ice. Because of stonefall danger on the Mitterkarjoch, we descended over the Rofenkarjoch. Very nice view, rather crowded on the small summit.
benhil - Aug 27, 2003 11:23 am
Route Climbed: Breslauer way Date Climbed: juli 2003Nice climbing in a nice environment.
The climb to the Mitterkarjoch was a real snowslog.
The Austrian guides were gratefull for our exhausting trailbreaking.
mpa - Jul 29, 2003 7:12 am Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2000
Normal route from BraunschweigerhütteA long climb from Brauschweigerhütte, 6 hours to the top. Perfect weather and therefore very crowded on the south summit. Traverse to the (empty) north summit.
gergely - Jul 17, 2003 1:42 am
Route Climbed: North Face Date Climbed: July 13 2003It was a long and tiring climb from Mittelberg through Taschachhaus. It was my first alpine ice wall and it was much more difficult than I had expected. The wall itself took almost 7 hours for us (twice as the 'official' time), on sometimes unstable blank ice.
Mister White - Jun 10, 2003 1:08 pm
Route Climbed: "Guide route"= partially normal route Date Climbed: 22 juli 2001Very good weather on this long and crowded climb from the Braunschweiger Htt.
Not difficult and a bit boring at times, but still nice. Last meters of rock were the most interesting, with crampons on. Again a super view on the top.
JoPo - Mar 31, 2003 1:09 am
Route Climbed: Normal Route from the Pitztal cable car Date Climbed: 30. März 2003The ascent from the cable car was easy; less than 2.5 h. At the summit it was somewhat crowdy. We skied back via the Taschach-Ferner what was much more exhausing for me than the ascent.
Frankie - Aug 29, 2002 5:46 am
Route Climbed: Breslauer Hütte, Mitterkarjoch Date Climbed: 21.07.2000On a very nice day we tried to climb the summit of the Wildspitze. We did a big mistake. We wanted to go in one day. So we reached the Mitterkarjoch at "High Noon". In this time the snow is very softly. Most of the summit climbers did already the way back. So we enjoyed the beautiful view to the mountains arround us. We would take to the summit only 0,75 hours!
We'll be back again some day - then we'll reach the summit!
lezlee - Aug 14, 2002 2:48 am
Route Climbed: normal Date Climbed: 14. July 2002Nice, easy climb!
Ötztal is one of the most beautiful valley in Austria. A more day tracking in Ötztal is suggested, linking the climb of Wildspitze with the climb of Weisskugel.