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lcarreau - Jan 25, 2009 6:52 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: This beats being

Ha - cougars are not to be taken lightly. I wonder how much a
full-grown cougar weighs?

When I journey into the woods, I always hope that cougars ARE
allergic to humans. That way, I have the psychological advantage! : )))))))

Dmitry Pruss

Dmitry Pruss - Jan 26, 2009 10:00 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Awesome!

Thanks Mike! How is that knee doing?

Dmitry Pruss

Dmitry Pruss - Jan 26, 2009 5:06 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: recovery

You know, my patched-up ankle is still only at a fraction of strength of the healthy one, and my ski turns are still really lopsided a year and and half after I broke it. But strangely it isn't in the way of long-haul trips. I guess the other leg takes more than its share of the load. To even it out without some indoor execrcise must be a pipe dream, but it's hard to be diligent about physical therapy when everything "seems to work". Maybe I need to be dancing more ... pivoting moves kill the lame leg just like that LOL.

Best of luck on Hood & careful on the slopes when you hit 'em again!

Elizabeth Riggin

Elizabeth Riggin - Jan 26, 2009 3:29 pm - Voted 10/10

Great report....

I found your report to be interesting and well written...thanks for sharing. I am wishing I could have gone....Take care, Elizabeth Riggin

Dmitry Pruss

Dmitry Pruss - Jan 26, 2009 5:14 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Great report....

Thanks Elizabeth, it sure is cool to get an endorsement from a writer and poet :) Most of the stuff I write is a scientific gibberish and nobody comments that it's well written, gotta wonder why LOL.

Keep en eye on our annual Kings Peak Tour (last Sat of March) if you wanna retest your knack for winter adventures. It's only 8 miles one way to the beautiful upper meadows and just over 1,000 ft up, so about anybody who is familiar with skiing can make it there. The peak itself is a lot harder but everybody picks their own goal to reach & turn around.

Matthew Van Horn

Matthew Van Horn - Jan 28, 2009 2:38 am - Hasn't voted

Instant classic

I remember you were looking for partners for this recently. Wish I could have had the time and preparation to go. Maybe in a coming year. Still, I'm the kind of guy that would do a solo trek like this too. For now I'm just a day hiker in the Wasatch, but I'd like to be doing multi-day trips like yours. Thanks for the inspiration. Love that American food!

Dmitry Pruss

Dmitry Pruss - Jan 28, 2009 9:00 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Instant classic

Thanks Matt, gotta admit that I haven't ski-backpacked for like 20 years, and solo-backpacked like ever before this trip. But some crazy ideas are just impossible to resist LOL.

Speaking of food and instant classic, the three culinary whales on which this whole enterprise rested have been instant oats, instant spicy rice noodles, and instant mashed taters :) Classic style I think!


craghag - Feb 27, 2009 1:31 pm - Hasn't voted

Iced Tea

Dmitri, I loved your trip report! Joe has not read this yet but once he does I'm certain he'll want to be a copycat!

Dmitry Pruss

Dmitry Pruss - Feb 27, 2009 7:09 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Iced Tea

Thanks Shelley. There's a line from a 1982 classic by Aquarium, "I got tired of drinking tea". It sure was fun to see you comment & instantly remember the old tune :) If all the stars line up perfectly right, I might even return to Kaibab for a day ski before Kings? If if. But Joe's burned all his vacation days already I suppose?

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