Wright Mountain Climber's Log

Viewing: 21-25 of 25

Travis_ - Sep 15, 2007 5:23 pm Date Climbed: Sep 15, 2007

With Gobblers Konb  Sucess!

Hiked Gooblers and Wright Mnt. with Tom. Nice day for hiking, was able to get one of Tom's friend to drive us to the trailhead near Gobblers, except in my Honda Civic, did not make it all the way to the campsite and walked extra.

Here is the GPS tracks and Google Map of the route.

Scott M.

Scott M. - Aug 26, 2007 4:42 pm Date Climbed: Apr 13, 1980

Via PCT  Sucess!

First went over then when thru hiking the PCT in 1980. I've run over it coutless times since training for the Angeles Crset 100.


D-bo - Jul 29, 2007 4:55 pm Date Climbed: Oct 13, 2001

From Wrightwood  Sucess!

Found my own way up. Fun.


banjobonch - Jul 4, 2007 8:37 am

wright  Sucess!

Been a few times. Acorn trail from Wrightwood is my favorite way to get there.


theronmoon - Jun 23, 2007 11:57 am Date Climbed: May 22, 2004

Gobblers to Wright  Sucess!

A great birthday hike with my friend. This section of the PCT is one of my three favorite trails in the San Gabriels. Saw a nice horny toad on the way down. The HPS estimates for this route were way off and we were late getting back to our own party. It was way worth it though.

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