Mlasky - Nov 4, 2009 12:56 am - Hasn't voted
nogginhow could i fail to mention the importance of helmets and headlamps in my article? there should be points for safety gear...gads, my newbieness is showing. thank you for posting.
jmc - Nov 5, 2009 8:36 am - Hasn't voted
Re: nogginI think there should be extra points for exhaustion, or even just plain weariness. We were rapping when we took this photo, we started climbing the first pitch in the dark, we wanted to be first up the route that morning.
Mlasky - Nov 7, 2009 5:29 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: nogginI totally believe in alpine starts. Splattskis in the dark on summits probably should get extra points...but i'm not so sure about points for exhaustion. I was looking for unique things rather than common things for extra points. I'm concerned everybody would play the exhaustion card. Being handsome on the other hand gets you points, but that's on my private score card, which i didn't talk about in the article. !! :-)
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