Three of us started at Trenta, on Path to Prehodavci, and left it at about 1500m, in left direction.The climb is uneventful and views really amazing, probably best in my opinion.The mountain somehow stands alone.Later on, we passed the ledges of Kanjavec and down the Komar ferrata, we heard it was renovated and it was. A truly wild place, I remember it fondly.
bojana - Feb 28, 2011 3:19 am
from TrentaThree of us started at Trenta, on Path to Prehodavci, and left it at about 1500m, in left direction.The climb is uneventful and views really amazing, probably best in my opinion.The mountain somehow stands alone.Later on, we passed the ledges of Kanjavec and down the Komar ferrata, we heard it was renovated and it was. A truly wild place, I remember it fondly.