SE ridge

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 45.14830°N / 114.6113°W
Additional Information Route Type: Scrambling
Seasons Season: Summer
Additional Information Time Required: A few days
Additional Information Difficulty: easy scramble
Additional Information Rock Difficulty: Class 3
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This is an exceptionally pretty class 3 scramble.

Getting There

Start the climb from Wilson and Harbor lakes, a lovely and popular cirque below Fishfin Ridge. I recommend consulting the guidebooks mentioned on the main page for information on how to get there if you need more detail.

Route Description

This route is best climbed from a backpacking camp at Wilson and Harbor Lakes. Climb to the saddle on the south side of Bighorn Peak (9821) but north of the sharp needles on the south ridge. Enjoy spectacular views of Fishfin Ridge and Terrace Lakes. Contour around the west slopes of Bighorn to the NW ridge of Bighorn, where some spectacular spires are exciting to explore. More spires litter the ridge connecting Bighorn to Sheepeater. Pass the spires by dropping down the west side of the ridge and regain the ridge at the base of Sheepeater's final ridge. Climb the ridge to the summit. Traversing left and then up is easier, if need be. There is significant loose rock on the traverse around Bighorn that could be avoided by climbing up directly from terrace lakes.

Essential Gear

Routefinding abilities, maps, and sturdy shoes. Also bring whatever else you are used to using deep in the wilderness for this type of adventure. The routefinding is straightforward but these mountains are rugged

External Links



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