Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 61.48007°N / 8.75599°E
Additional Information County: Vågå (Innlandet)
Activities Activities: Scrambling
Seasons Season: Summer
Additional Information Elevation: 4977 ft / 1517 m
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Admiring the lake scenery from Knutshoe
Admiring the lake scenery from Knutshoe


Geographical classification: The Scandes > Jotunheimen > Knutshøe

Knutshøe 1517 m

Knutshøe 1517 m is a sharp summit surrounded by an exciting environment, located in the South-Eastern sector of the Jotunheimen range and included in the Jotunheimen National Park, 350 km North to Oslo, in the middle of Southern Norway. In Norwegian Jotunheimen means "Giants Home" and the main reason of this nickname is that the highest mountains in Norway lie here. Knutshøe has a primary factor of 427 m towards the higher Bruskardknappen; it isn't one of the major peaks in this area, anyhow even if its altitude passes just over 1,500 meters Knutshøe is a beautiful mountain and offers more than one reason to be climbed, starting from the interesting crossing route which is described later. The crossing is popular amongst hikers and there is a well worn path across the ridge, anyhow in a couple of places climbing is required. Moreover the summit of Knutshøe generously offers outstanding views towards the peaks towering all around and the surrounding lakes, amongst which the wonderful Gjende lake.

Gjende lake seen from  Knutshøe ridge
Gjende lake seen from Knutshoe ridge




The high spectacularity offered by the ascent to this summit is due also to the particular charm of the Knutshøe position, close to three lakes which beautifully surround Knutshøe, the elongate and well known Gjende lake, the Nedre Leirungen lake and the Øvre Leirungen lake. From the sharp ridge it's possible to admire the breathtaking delta landscape down in Leirungsdalen. The spectacular Knutshøe mountain ridge is the minor brother of the adjacent Besseggen ridge. It's so fascinating that many people believes it was the ground for the Peer Gynt deer ride!

Knutshøe seen from Valdresflya
Knutshøe seen from Valdresflya





Getting There

The starting point to climb is the Vargebakkan parking lot 1100 m (GPS 32V 489770 6811435) along the Valdresflya highway (National Road 51), open in summer.  By car, you can drive to Vargebakkan parking lot, either via Otta and via Fagerness and Beitostølen, via the National Road 51 over the Valdresflya plateau.


Knutshøe map




- From Otta drive Southward on the E6 to Sjoa. In Sjoa leave the E6 and turn right taking the Road 257. At the following junction with the Valdresflya highway (National Road 51) turn to left and drive Southward on the road running along the Sjodalen, passing the Bessheim and the exit to Gjendesheim. The Vargebakken picnic area is located after about 4 km.

- From Fagernes At the crossroad ignore the E16 on the left and take the National Road 51 in the North direction, reaching Beitostølen and Bygdin, then the Vargebakkan parking lot. 

- There are direct train services to Otta from Trondheim and from Oslo, and a daily bus service from Otta to Gjendesheim shelter, located nearby.

Knutshøe crossing from Vargebakken

Knutshøe crossing from Vargebakken report

Summit altitude: 1517 m
Difficulty: scramble and some easy climbing
Vertical gain: 420 m
Exposure: South-East, then West
Starting point: Vargebakken picnic area

Knutshøe seen from Vargebakkan
Knutsho seen from Vargebakkan

Truly a worthwhile route inside a breathtaking setting! The route involves a couple of easy climbing spots, one at the start and another one just before the summit. The ridge must be carefully followed without trying to descend along the sides, that are formed by steep cliffs. Being a ring itinerary it's possible to perform it in both directions, but my advise is to follow the way described below, solution allowing to overcome the climbing spots during the ascent and not during the descent.

Wooden footbridge on the way to Knutshøe
Wooden footbridge on the way to Knutshoe




Route report - From the Vargebakken picnic area, located at 1100 m along the Valdresflya highway, about 4 km South of the Gjendesheim exit, the trail starts in the North direction. Cross the Varga stream on a wooden footbridge and then overcome a wooden stair which allows to pass through the enclosure, getting soon to a signposted trail junction. Take the right branch, the left one leads to the Leirungsdalen valley, where it runs the return trail. After the junction head to a reddish crag, getting quickly the base of the rock. This is the first climbing stretch of the route. Up the rock, at first on the left, then rightward, and exit on a good trail. Follow it up the ridge.

The wooden stair at the start of the trail to Knutshøe
The wooden stair at the start of the trail
Øvre Leirungen lake, seen high on Knutshøe ridge
Øvre Leirungen lake, seen high on the ridge

After passing a trigonometric signal, descend a little, then head rightward following the trail up to the first summit. From the first summit continue along the ridge looking more difficult than really it is. A brief descent with breathtaking views over the lakes all around leads to a saddle below the last prominence of the ridge. Enjoy a superb glance down to the estuary of Leirungsåe stream into Øvre Leirungen lake. Go uphill rightward on steeper terrain, then climb up a short but steep rock spot, giving access to the main summit. The panorama is superb!

Knutshøe, the second climbing spot just below the summit
The second climbing spot just below the summit
Knutshøe, the descent route
The descent route


Descent - Some people return on the same route - it's the shortest solution - but actually the easiest and more advisable way is to go further in the opposite direction along the ridge and starting the descent in this way. Follow the easy crest and after a stretch a signpost indicates you must head a bit to the right. Further the itinerary provides a superb pano over Gjende lake and Memurudalen. When the descent along the crest ends, the trail heads to left entering the wood close to Øvre Leirungen lake on boggy ground, getting soon a couple of cabins. 


Pano over Gjende Lake seen from Knutshøe descent ridge
Pano over Gjende Lake seen from Knutshoe descent ridge






Follow the trail running in Leirungsdalen between the foot of Knutshøe rock crags on the left and the stream on the right on flat terrain amongst flowers and meadows, getting the signposted junction with the ascent route, past which you join the starting stretch of the trail, coming back to Vargebakken parking lot.

Trigonometric signal along Knutshøe ridge
Trigonometric signal
Leirungsdalen delta landscape seen from the ridge across Knutshøe
Leirungsdalen delta landscape
Leirungsåe stream on Knutshøe return route
The stream along the return
Skirting Knutshøe crags on the return way across Leirungsdalen
Skirting the crags on the return way

Red Tape



There are no particular restrictions in climbing and hiking. Knutshøe is lying within the superb Jotunheimen National Park, established in 1980, covering an area of 1140 km² and including the 27 highest peaks in Norway. Jotunheimen is located between Oppland and Sogn og Fjordane counties and it's bordered by the great lake called Vågåvatnet, the valleys of Bøverdalen and Leirdalen and the road No. 55 (the mytical Sognefjellveg) to the N and NW, by the Road 51 to the East, by Bygdin, Tyin and Årdal to the South and by the mountain road between Årdal and Turtagrø to the West.

When to Climb

The best season is Summer.

Where to stay



Gjendesheim weather forecast

Guidebooks and maps


Jotunheimen Guidebook
Jotunheimen Guidebook

"Opptur Jotunheimen" - Finn Loftesnes, Selja Forlag 2009 (English edition)


"Gjende 1617 IV"
"Jotunheimen Aust, Besseggen and Beitostølen"