Infantastic Bike trail


Infantastic Bike trail
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Infantastic Bike trail
Manufacturer Infantastic
Page By visentin
Page Type Jul 7, 2010 / Jul 8, 2010
Object ID 7220
Hits 3241

Product Description

Many bike-trails exist on the market, some brands are better than others, some are more expensive than others.
My aim was to choose a cheap one but good enough (I didn't want to invest 500€ in it !), which fulfilled the following conditions :
- Big in space, to be able to store extra gear, and possibly (!) a second child ;)
- With a third removeable front wheel to make it like a push-chair
- With suspension on wheels for not-so-flat trails

While looking at the Polish auctions portal Allegro I found what I needed. The brand is not very known. It is Infantastic, a german product (I'm not superstitious but many say it is a quality pledge, which was verified). It is called "Fahrradanhänger" in German and "Przyczepka rowerowa" in Polish.

We did many rides (See MBPost) and I am absolutely satisfied with the product.

Just two little defects:
- The scratches to put the plastic window rain-window are kind of weak, and too short, but we fixed it with stretchers (which help for a couple of other purposes, like attaching some extra gear on top, or some clothe to protect from the sun).
- The inner tubes are from the Hutchinson standard, not very common. I couldn't use them with my pump so I had to buy a pair of 20' standard inner tubes.

Behind the chair where the child sits is located a little space where we can store additional stuff, like clothes, a little rucksack, the usual gear th change the diapers, etc etc.
As we ride it is kind of assymetric, it is located slightly more on the left of the bike than the exact middle, but this does not disturb the way of riding, and more convenient if we want to stick on the border of a road. The net is not useful only against flies or mosquitoes, but also to avoid pieces of sand to land in it (unavoidable with any kind of brand...)

As a push-chair, the thing is also extremely practical, for several reasons:
- When dismounted, it is very flat and takes no space in the boot of the car. Which is not a neglictible when we have a large normal puschair.
- The large wheels are much more comfortable if we want for example to visit a touristic city on foot, pass over pedestrian walksides, steps, etc.
- With the low position, the kid sits in it whenever he feels tired, or can get out of it in any moment
- He/she can keep nearby some stuff like the favourite teddy bear, the bottle of juice, a pillow to make a little siest, etc etc.



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