Cabane des Aiguilles Rouges

Cabane des Aiguilles Rouges

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 46.07362°N / 7.44990°E
Additional Information Route Type: Hiking
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
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This route starts at the Cabane des Aiguilles Rouges at 2810m elevation.

Getting There

The Cabane des Aiguilles Rouges is accessible from Arolla village via Remointses de Pra Gra, or from La Gouille bus stop via the Lac Bleu. Both routes are well signposted.

Route Description

From the Cabane, you follow initially the trail signposted to the Lac Bleu. When this turns right after 300m to descend to a stream, you follow the blue/white marked trail west and up. This passes a lake and eventually crosses the same stream higher up.

The trail now ascends a lateral moraine and ascends the ridge to the north (right) of the Glacier Superieur des Aiguilles Rouges (or its remains). At about 3000m elevation, the blue/white trail turns right off the ridge (another trail continues up), crosses a flat area before ascending again, now more steeply.

At this point the markings become less clear but continue up and keep right at another flat area to ascend a ridge heading north. The trail is now clear but alternates flat and steep sections.

Continue up to attain the lower summit which has expansive views. A harder downclimb and short traverse is needed to reach the higher summit.

Essential Gear

Only normal day-hiking gear needed in summer.



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