

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Cinch
Manufacturer Trango
Page By Romain
Page Type Sep 7, 2004 / Sep 7, 2004
Object ID 1116
Hits 6729
Palm sized auto-locking belay device similar to the Gri-Gri, but accepts ropes from 9mm to 11mm (Gri-Gri accepts ropes only from 9.8-11). Made of stainless steel and anodised aluminum.


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coloradoattorney - Mar 26, 2005 7:11 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I have used the grigri ceaselessly since it came on the market and loved it. This apparatus is just better. Both the grigri and the Trango Cinch will save lives. The majority of all climbing injuries comprise or incorporate an accident on belay. While no device is ever 100% safe, and further its safety or danger is dependent largely on its use or misuse, it is my opinion that it is safer and more effortless then the other devices on the market.

This mechanism “The Cinch” was just easier to use. It works on a smaller rope. It is more rapidly applied. It felt solid. It will release very slowly or very promptly. On a hasty stop it jams the rope and it is taxing to release the climber. Other solo climbers have condemned this as its one shortcoming. I believe that this rigid stop and release makes it more secure.

Some shortsighted purist will insist that a figure 8, an ATC, or another motionless friction device is used by “the true climbers.” This is as nonsensical as it is dangerous. I remember the when a non-locking carabineer was all we had and the purists argued against using anything but a carabineer for rappelling, belaying and climbing. I will not even speculate as too how many lives were not lost because the technology advanced far ahead and away from the self proclaimed purist.

The Cinch is dummy proof. If your partner on the ground falls unconscious from a falling rock you will not go into free fall into injury and death. The rope just stops. If you solo on this device and you are injured, and unable to control the rope, the released lever closes and stops the rope. Further, how many faces, mountains, and paths have been safely discovered because the equipment allowed for its reliable examination. This new equipment will also expand how individual climbers can safely engage paths never imagined.

If you get this device, read the included information from Trango, get a rope and run it through it a few times. Take it to a safe face and try it with a partner. Make a loop and even solo with it if you dare. Once you know how to use this apparatus you will insist on its use when you have any doubts. This device will save lives.

mfox79 - Sep 19, 2005 3:18 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
This was my first try with an auto locking device. I purchased it for the sake of taking out rookies and not hitting the deck, and so far it has served its purpose very well, unlike the traditional ATC it will lock up if the belayer takes his/her had off the brake side(still not recomended). the only downsides I see with the cinch is that the lowering mechanism is a little riggity, it will lower you way to fast or way to slow and takes time to get the hang of it. The other complaint I have about it is that it is not for self belay while rope soloing. but then again I could always buy a silent partner for that.

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