Croc Block


Croc Block
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Croc Block
Manufacturer Nicros
Page By RModelli
Page Type May 11, 2007 / Aug 23, 2007
Object ID 3165
Hits 4861

Product Description
This board has a very special feature in that it is reversible. All of the rails, pockets, and surfaces have been designed so the board can be flipped 180 degrees and have different usable features. There are two different versions to this hangboard. One version of the board is no-tex where the jug is super skin-friendly but the sloper leads to finger-strength independent of friction reliance. No-tex will help core strength because the lack of texture will not allow for body movement or swinging. Since there is no texture, you must focus on your core to keep you on the board. The second version of this board has texture on the features that are harder to hold onto, but the jug is still smooth for skin friendliness. This version will lead to shorter, more intense training session because you are working on your finger strength but the friction is greater.


this is a nice and compact training board that has sloping surface.



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