Red Spruce Knob Trailhead

Page Type Page Type: Trailhead
Location Lat/Lon: 38.33900°N / 80.1538°W
Additional Information County: Pocahontas
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
Additional Information Elevation: 4320 ft / 1317 m


This trailhead provides access to Red Spruce Knob via the Red Spruce Knob Trail.


Directions to the Red Spruce Knob trailhead on the Highland Scenic Highway from Marlinton, WV:

From the town of Marlinton, WV, head North on Route 219 to the top of Elk Mountain. Turn left onto the Highland Scenic Highway, Rt. 150 heading west. The Scenic Highway begins here at milepost 23.0. The trailhead will be on the left at approximately milepost 17.7.

Directions to the Red Spruce Knob trailhead on the Highland Scenic Highway from Richwood, WV:

From the town of Richwood, WV, head east on Route 55. Turn left onto the Highland Scenic Highway, Rt. 150 heading north. The Scenic Highway begins here at milepost 0.0. The trailhead will be on the right at approximately milepost 17.7.

It should be noted that the Scenic Highway does not have winter maintenance and is snow covered for most of the winter.

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Red Spruce KnobTrailheads