Polyamid Belay Sling


Polyamid Belay Sling
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Polyamid Belay Sling
Manufacturer Marmmut
Page By Dow Williams
Page Type Oct 5, 2007 / Oct 5, 2007
Object ID 4064
Hits 7650

Product Description

Replace your daisy chain with the Mammut Belay Sling for a safe, secure attachment to your anchor. This simple sling's 22kN strength gives you peace of mind when you're five pitches up at a hanging belay. Each of the Belay Sling's loops are full strength, so you don't have to worry about double clipping which could result in failure of a regular daisy chain. Girth hitch this Mammut sling to your harness before your next day of climbing, and you'll always have a safe anchor attachment at the ready.


Material: Nylon
Strength: 22kN
Dimensions: 65cm
Recommended Use: Anchor attachment point for sport and trad climbing
Warranty: 1 Year



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Dow Williams - Oct 5, 2007 7:13 pm - Voted 5/5

"Keep it simple stupid"...stocked some young folks up on some gear....felt more comfortable teaching them this device vs the traditional Daisy Chain which can be done wrong....I like it.

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