Seirus QuickDraw


Seirus QuickDraw
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Seirus QuickDraw
Manufacturer Seirus QuickDraw
Page By nartreb
Page Type Jan 15, 2014 / Jan 15, 2014
Object ID 8556
Hits 2091

Product Description

A fleece hat with a built-in facemask that tucks under the hat when not in use.


"Wear the Seirus The Original™ Quick Draw® Hat as a hat, face mask or neck-up. It's a fleece hat with hideaway micro fleece face mask, all in one."



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nartreb - Jan 15, 2014 10:20 pm - Hasn't voted

Good all-around hat
It's first and foremost a warm fleece hat with a shape that comfortably covers your ears and the back of your head without getting in your eyes. The pull-down facemask is more compact and convenient than a scarf, but not as protective or breathable as a real balaclava.

Pros: compact and light enough to carry in all seasons; warm enough for most winter uses. The facemask does help when extra warmth is wanted.

Cons: Not entirely windproof. Does not fit comfortably under a helmet. Facemask not breathable: causes fogging of goggles unless pulled down to neck.

This is my go-to, 90% solution hat. I also carry a balaclava for serious winter winds and for situations where I need to wear a helmet in the cold, but this hat is what I reach for most of the time when I need a hat, year round, in spite of it having been called 'the dork hat' by someone who was dating the dork.

(dork hat action photo)

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