

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Havoc
Manufacturer Black Diamond
Page By alpine climber
Page Type Oct 22, 2007 / Sep 15, 2008
Object ID 4168
Hits 14923

Product Description

From Black Diamond:
"A favorite of Rocky Mountain ski mountaineers, the 88-millimeter-waisted Havoc is an optimized twin tip tool for dissecting technical terrain. The Havoc features a wood core and deep 3D pockets for increased torsional rigidity and a smooth flex. The ski’s Dual Torsion Bow Technology™ delivers a balance of maximum stability and nimble versatility."



Powder Magazin's 2008 Skier's Choice Award

- New Dual Torsion Bow construction with integrated 3D dampening.
- CNC-machined wood core wrapped in torsion box construction.
- A super turny, hard-charging ski if not blessed with constant freshies.

Length, Dimensions, Turn Radius, Weight (per pair)

165 cm, 122-88-110 mm, 20.0 m, 3.5 kg
175 cm, 123-88-112 mm, 21.0 m, 3.6 kg
185 cm, 124-88-115 mm, 22.5 m, 3.7 kg

Retails for $559.99


Coulior Magazine:
"The crud-busting king, the Havoc continues to reign over over bedlam on the slopes. The Havoc is a power board, repaying authoritative driving with unbeatable stability: 'Burly tail. It likes and rewards aggression. Narrow tip doesn't always float, but it's the only Fat ski with serious stability. ' The narrower tip was the only downside among testers, but without it, the Havoc's fall-line personality would undoubtedly be changed...size down for intermediates for an outstanding, solid, manageable ski in a wide range of conditions.'"

"Predictable and reliable for AT as well, the Havoc's upper end of stiffness earned it the same consistent response and admiration from the locked-heel set, who reported, 'Very firm feel with its light weight. Harder to get responsive turns, but it liked to run and punch through crud.' 'Sweet spot easy to find repeatedly, admirable in pow/crud."

Powder Magazine:
"Fast, easy to turn, stable at high speeds, and twintipped for sessioning the park, the havoc features great torsional rigidity and a smooth flex, thanks to a dense wood core and BD's Dual TOrsion Bow technology. A great ski for carving inbounds."

Skiing Magazine:
'07 - "With a great weight-to-stiffness ratio and a new wood core for a smooth flex, the Havoc is the most aggressive ski in the category - but it's playful enough for a spin through the park or the trees. Insane edge hold. Gripes: Takes muscle to initiate a turn. Props: Crushes it in soft snow and crud."

Backcountry Magazine:
"BD bills this new twin tip as stiff and tight carving. The Havoc saw few Western testers, so widespread panic was minimal. 'Once in the turn, SOLID,' said an editorial veteran. 'Holds an edge very well [and] turny, for such a wide ski.' In the East, the Havoc was among the best of BD's new skis, consistent in most turn shapes and conditions. 'Felt very stable at speed and very good edge hold on the hard stuff. When it was on edge it was responsive and grippy,' said on tester. 'Easy to ski. A bit jumpy but easy to initiate all size turns,' said another. A third called it a 'daily driver.' 'Great fee, great ski. No shortcomings. A medium-flexing ski that rolls naturally through a variety of turn shapes. It skis in and over all snow surfaces and degrees of pitch.'"



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