Temptation Ridge (North Ridge)

Temptation Ridge (North Ridge)

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 40.54978°N / 111.66186°W
Additional Information Route Type: Skiing
Seasons Season: Winter
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
Additional Information Difficulty: Not the easiest way up
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The Temptation Ridge (North Ridge) divides Snowbird's Gad Valley from White Pine Fork. This route is definately one of the harder, more dangerous as well as one of the least practicle ways to gain the summit of the American Fork Twin Peaks/Red Top Mountain. Anyone choosing this route can expect to encounter avalanche exposure! Be aware that Snowbird does do avalanche control on their side of the ridge time to time. Make sure that if the Snowbird's backcountry gates are closed (check their website) that you do not drop into Snowbird Ski Resort. You will be arrested! If you have made this journey on skis the suggested decent line of choice is drop into the Tri Chutes or The Birthday Chutes (on the White Pine Fork side 3/4 of the way up the ridge). Temptation Ridge is not the best of routes up the AF Twins/Red Top, but it definately has some unique views as well as some of the more classic ski runs that the Wasatch has to offer.

The PfeifferhornThe Pfiefferhorn from Temptation Ridge.

Getting There

Head up the Little Cottonwood Canyon Highway until you reach the White Pine Trailhead (on your right just before Snowbird Ski Resort) or park at Snowbird Ski Resort itself if your planning on using Snowbird's backcountry gates.

The Up Route Description


1st Route Dangerous and Difficult! Start at the White Pine Trail Head and skin/hike up the first slide path (Scotty's bowl). When you reach the last roll over before the top of Scotty's, bear to your left and you should enter No Name Bowl. Skin up the safest line possible (stick to the trees) till you hit the ridge. From here it is nothing but ridge till you reach the summit.
Scotty s Slide PathScotty's Slide Path

2nd Route If Snowbird Ski Resort's backcountry gates are open you can take the Gad 2 chair lift and exit out their gate after signing their roll (bring a shovel, probe, beacon and partner or they will deny you access). Head up the very well established boot pack till you hit the ridge. This should put you more than half way up Temptation Ridge. From here it is nothing but up hill.

Decent Routes

Once on Temptation Ridge there are many bowls and chutes too choose from..............

1. The Pipeline Couloir- Despite being seen by just about every skier and snowboarder at Snowbird, this Wasatch Gem usually never sees much traffic. When Snowbird is open this couloir is usually not. Snowbird will arrest those who ignore the closed signs. Every year Snowbird opens up the gates around May so get it while you can if and when its open.
The Pipeline CouloirThe Pipeline Couloir
The Pipeline CouloirLooking down the Pipeline Couloir

2. The Tri Chutes- A favorite among skiers and even featured in a Warren Miller Film, the Tri Chutes are sure to please any big mountain skiers desires. By skiing these chutes you are entering White Pine Fork so be sure not to miss the big exit road about 1 mile away from the parking lot.
Temptation RidgeClimbing up to the Tri Chutes
Tri ChutesThe Tri Chutes

3.Baldy Bowl- If you ask any ski patroller at Snowbird they will tell you the name of this area is Baldy Bowl. It does not seem like there is anything Baldy about it but the name is one to stay. The runs here are steep but shorter than they look. Advice, the higher up the ridge you go the longer the runs get.

a tempting chutePhoto by Seanpeckham

Splitboarder on Baldy BowlRon charges Baldy Bowl

Essential Gear

Make sure you bring a beacon, shovel, probe, partner and common sense. Skis are highly recommended.
A large avalanche just off Temptation RidgeAvalanche just off the Temptation Ridge



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