Unbelievable route! Just look at the pics and you'll understand why.
Pitch 1: Climb up to left-facing block to a bulge (crux), then a small roof. After that, go straight up to the oak tree for belay. The pine tree for pitch 2 is about 20 feet right. (5.5, PG, 140')
Pitch 2: Directly opposite of the pine tree is a open-book like left facing corner. Climb up the right face and move right to under a roof. Climb over the bulging roof (crux), and then start traverse left. Follow natural line to a large corner with belay slings. (5.7+, PG,60')
Pitch 3: Make sure your second has a camera ready. Make the airy traverse under the first horizontal (small cams) to a crack. Move up the crack (flake) to a big roof, finish it by going over and move toward your right. (5.7+, PG, 50').
Pretty much straight up to GTLedge
Follow the line. A lot of chalk marks are wrong.
Incredible exposure!
Next move is the hardest.