East Face

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 37.46590°N / 118.9087°W
Additional Information Route Type: Scramble
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
Additional Information Difficulty: Class 3-4
Sign the Climber's Log


Start either from the Mosquito Flat or Lake Thomas A. Edison trailheads and hike along Mono Creek to the junction with the John Muir Trail. Head north on the JMT to Pocket Meadow, then up the lateral trail northeast to Mott Lake. From Mott Lake, head north (cross-country) into the uppermost lake basin before you would drop into Tully Hole. The peak's east face is the obvious western wall of the basin.

Route Description

Trudge up the talus fan than descends from the central gully. Scramble up this gully, keeping to one side or the other to avoid getting bopped by the occasional falling stone. The gully tops out in a narrow notch at the top of the face. From here, scramble up and right a few yards to the actual summit.

Essential Gear

No technical gear is necessary, but you should be comfortable with off-trail hiking and scrambling.

Miscellaneous Info

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